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What is the green card number?

After taking out car insurance, once your application is accepted, you will receive a green card from the insurer. A green card is an internationally valid proof of insurance. On the card is your green card number. The number can be found under point 4 on the green card. The number consists of 3 parts, namely: policy number of your car insurance, the insurer code and the code of the country you live in. Without the green card number, claims processing is likely to be significantly delayed.

green card number

Where is the green card number?

The green card number can be found under point 4 on the green card: '4. Country Code/Code insurer/Number'. The number consists of 3 parts, namely:

  1. The policy number of your car insurance
    This policy number is a unique code under which your car insurance is registered with the insurer or intermediary.
  2. The insurer code
    The insurer code consists of 3 digits
  3. The code of the country you live in
    If you live in the Netherlands then the country code is NL

When filling out a European claim form you should always enter the green card number. If you don't, then the settlement of the claim can be considerably delayed. The insurer uses the number to find out the correct details. In addition, the insurer states on the green card in which countries the car insurance provides coverage. Furthermore, the green card states the time period and motor vehicle for which the coverage applies. On the green card, the insurer usually also mentions which authorities the insured can turn to in case of breakdown, accident, broken window and theft, both at home and abroad.

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Green card number

Despite the fact that the green card has not been mandatory in the Netherlands since 1972, it still proves to be of good service because it lists all insurance information concisely and clearly. In addition, you never know if you will need the green card number. This makes it wise to always take the green card with you, especially when you go abroad.

In a large area, border controls on the presence of a green card have been lifted. However, in most countries, when checked, or in the event of a collision, you will need to show that your motor vehicle is insured. In principle, you can do this by showing the green card. Of course, your car insurance has to be valid. You used to be obliged to take it with you if you went abroad with your car. This is no longer the case, but it is still advisable to bring the green card.

However, in the following countries, it is still mandatory to carry a green card and it must be printed on green paper:
Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Belarus.

Don't have a green card or have you lost your green card? You can apply for a new green card free of charge.

Do you have any questions? If so, please contact us. We will be happy to help you! We can be reached Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at telephone number 088-6883700.

Compare premiums online for cheap car insurance!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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