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Home Car Insurance premiums age-related

Why are premiums age dependent, is that allowed?

Under Article 1 of our Constitution, discrimination on such things as age and gender is not allowed. Yet insurers openly do this. Young people pay a higher premium for car insurance. Older people are refused car insurance from a certain age. Are insurers in violation or are they allowed to do this undisturbed?

An employer has a problem if he announces in a job advertisement that a man or a woman is being sought. Or if a homosexual man or woman is rejected for orientation there is soon discrimination. In insurance, it seems to be different. What about it?

Can car insurance be more expensive based on age?

Young drivers up to age 24 often pay a higher premium. Older drivers, say 75 years and older, can no longer buy new insurance with certain insurers. This smacks of discrimination, but insurers take a different tack. They make a distinction because statistics show that these age groups are more likely to suffer damage. Thus, they pose a greater risk to insurers. This is allowed. Insurers have the freedom to set their own premium policies. For example, they may give discounts to the group of policyholders between the ages of 25 and 65 on car insurance.

premiums age-related

What if you disagree with insurers' policies?

The Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid) handles complaints about insurers. If you believe that an insurer is at fault, you must first express your complaint to the insurer itself. This is because the insurer must have the opportunity to defend itself. When complaining about the insurer's policies, the insurer is probably not going to accommodate you. Then you can file a complaint with the Kifid, but of course you can also go to court. Keep in mind, however, that a lawsuit is an expensive affair. The costs exceed the car insurance premium for several years.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Demonstrating discrimination probably won't work

Insurers do indeed make distinctions, but they can, they say, substantiate them. Young drivers up to 24 years old make more claims on average. You could say on their inexperience they are already being judged by having no or few claim-free years. With little driving experience, they have also accumulated less discount for claim-free driving. For some insurers, this is not enough. They also charge a higher premium. They can also justify refusing older drivers for car insurance.

You can pick a fight with an insurer, or you can simply choose eggs for your money. There are dozens of insurers where you can insure your car. Does one come with a premium that is too high? Then choose another insurer. The same applies if you are refused by an insurer. Within a few clicks, you can compare dozens of insurers for the car insurance that suits you best.

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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