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How often should a car be inspected?

The General Periodic Test (APK) is a test that is compulsory by law in Europe. During the inspection, it is determined whether your car is still safe enough to participate in traffic. It also examines whether it complies with all environmental requirements and therefore does not pollute. A car has to undergo a new MOT every year. If a passenger car or light company car (up to 3,500 kg) has already had an MOT approved, you can take the date mentioned on the MOT inspection report as your starting point. This was given to you at the time of the previous inspection. The car must be re-approved before this date.

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New car: when to have your first MOT check?

When a car must undergo its MOT depends on the date of first registration of the vehicle. Three or four years after a car was first allowed on the road, an APK inspection is required. This depends on the type of fuel. If your car has not been inspected before, you can see in the APK test schedule when your car is due for its first APK inspection. It also shows you how often your car has to be inspected.

(Source: rdw)
Personenauto’s en lichte bedrijfsvoertuigen (<3.500 kg) Fuel When and how often to inspect?
Date of first authorisation after 1 January 2005 Petrol and/or electric motor First MOT after 4 years, then twice after 2 years, thereafter every year
Diesel, gas or other (possibly in combination with electric) First MOT after 3 years, thereafter every year
Date of first authorisation before 1 January 2005 All First MOT after 3 years, thereafter every year
Vehicle 30 years old or more but less than 50 years old All MOT every 2 years
Vehicle 50 or more years old All No compulsory MOT

Car already inspected?

Has your car been inspected once before? Then you can find the MOT expiration date on the inspection report. After each inspection you will receive an MOT inspection report. The report states whether your car has been approved or rejected, including a list of repair and rejection points. The APK expiration date is also mentioned. Before this date you will have to have your car tested again. If you can no longer find the inspection report or simply do not have it at hand, you can also do an RDW license plate check. To do this, simply enter your car's registration number on the RDW website.

Fuel change?

Some changes or repairs to a car are so extensive that they create a new vehicle. This can affect how often you have to have your car MOT checked. This is the case, for example, when the fuel in your car changes. It is then possible that the vehicle has to be inspected more often or less often. So always check this carefully,

How do you avoid an expired MOT?

On the RDW website you can check exactly when your car's MOT expires. This allows you to make an appointment for a new MOT inspection in time. Do you not want to have your car MOT tested, because you are not going to use the car anymore or because of financial reasons? Then you can suspend the car. The MOT obligation will then expire for the duration of the suspension. If you suspend your car, this does mean that you are no longer allowed to use the car. It may also not be on a public road. As soon as the suspension period expires, you do have APK obligation again. You may drive a car without a valid MOT to the garage. This is only allowed around the time of the inspection. In addition, you must have an appointment confirmation and the car must be insured.

Calculate your car insurance premium immediately!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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