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How can I transfer my car insurance?

When you have bought a new car, it is obligatory to insure it at least with a third-party insurance. If you already have a car insurance, you can transfer your current car insurance. But how does this work and is it always wise to transfer it?

Taking insurance with a new car

You can transfer your current car insurance to your new car. If you choose to keep your existing insurance for your new car, you need to provide us with the details of your car in time. Your current insurance will then continue to run on the new licence plate. If the insurance has the desired coverage and the insurer offers the lowest premium, it is wise to transfer the current car insurance to your new car. Please note that the premium is based on the old car. Does your new car have a higher purchase value or a more recent year of construction? Then your current insurance will probably not fit your current car. It is therefore wise to check whether your insurance still fits your situation when buying a new car.

Transferring car insurance

Switching and claim-free years

What happens to your claim-free years if you decide to transfer your car insurance to another insurance company? You can simply take these claim-free years with you. Attention, only completed years can be taken along. For example: if you have built up 4 years and 6 months with your old car insurance, you will start with 4 years again with your new car insurance.

Get car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Converting car insurance for existing cars

Even if you don't have a new car, it is sometimes wise to take a closer look at your car insurance. By switching your current car insurance, you can sometimes save a lot of money. Changing to another insurer does not have to be complicated at all. If you want to change your car insurance, please take into account that you often have a notice period. With most insurers this is 1 month. Besides that, it is not possible to switch if your car insurance is less than one year. Therefore you should always check your current policy conditions before you decide to change your car insurance.

How can I report changes?

You want to keep your current insurance on your new car? Contact us by phone or chat. Together with you, we will look at whether it is wise to stay with your current insurer, or perhaps to switch after all. You can report the change as soon as you have the license plate of the new car. The insurance can take effect the same day, or on a date in the near future.

Compare premiums online for cheap car insurance!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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