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Your car insurance coverage
We look at your car, compare a wide range of auto insurance policies and help you choose the appropriate coverage.
What is car insurance?
Everyone who has a car in their name is obliged to insure it. In the Netherlands, you are legally obliged to take out at least third-party coverage for your car. WA stands for legal liability. This coverage compensates for damage caused by liability to the other party. This is necessary, because the damage can be considerable, especially if the other party becomes disabled. Do you still go on the road with an uninsured car? Then you risk a hefty fine from the RDW. The premium for this coverage forms the basis for your insurance. You can also choose more extensive coverage or additional insurance.
What types of coverages are there in auto insurance?
In addition to the legally required WA coverage, you can also choose the WA limited casco coverage, or the most comprehensive coverage with the All risk car insurance (WA casco).
With limited casco car insurance, you get coverage for fire damage, windshield breakage and damage from collision with stray animals in addition to the standard coverage for damage to the other party.
All-risk car insurance is a further extension of coverage. This car insurance also covers damage to your own car, even if the damage was caused by your own fault.
Which car insurance is best for you depends on several factors. For more information on the forms of insurance, please refer to the further explanation of the Third Party, Limited Comprehensive and All-Risk car insurance.
Do you also need additional insurances?
In addition to standard coverage, you can also choose supplemental insurance.
Frequently chosen insurances are accident occupant insurance and casualty occupant insurance. These policies pay out an amount in the event of damage to the occupants or the occupants' belongings as a result of an accident.
You can also co-insure legal aid and roadside assistance.
Which type of insurance should I choose?
Several factors come into play when choosing a form of insurance.
For example, you can consider the age and daily value of the car, but also the accumulated claim-free years. If you have several years of claim-free driving, you can often choose the most comprehensive insurance at a fairly low premium.
Also consider where your car will be parked. If you park it on a busy street in a city, the risk of damage from theft or vandalism is higher, and then it may be a good idea to go for more comprehensive coverage. This is less important if your car is safely parked in your own garage.
The choice of the best coverage should be made deliberately. After all, the premium must be proportional to the daily value of the car. For example, for a car that is 12 years old, it often does not make sense to choose the most comprehensive car insurance. This is because the daily value of your car weighs heavily on how much the insurance company will pay out in the event of serious damage.
Additional coverages for greater security
In addition to choosing the right coverage for your car insurance, you can also compare and purchase various additional coverages.
Legal aid recovery
starting at 2,24 p/month
Insured of legal help in recovering damages from a traffic accident. At home and abroad.
Motor Vehicle Legal Assistance
starting at
7 ,10
Insured of legal help in traffic disputes. At home and abroad. With the vehicle insured on the policy.
Occupant accidents
starting at1 ,53
Accidental occupant insurance pays fixed amounts in the event of death or permanent disability of the driver and/or passengers.
Occupant damage
starting at 5 ,66
This insurance pays for material damages suffered by the driver and passengers due to an accident.
We pick out the fine print for you
"Comparing car insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your car insurance every year."

Laura - Expert auto insurance
Expert car insurance for years

We compare different insurers for your car insurance
Top 5 cheapest car insurance policies in 2025
€93 cheaper on an annual basis
€ 20,-
€ 25,-
€ 30,-
€ 35,-
*The premiums are based on a fictitious person driving a Fiat 500. The person is a male, 40 years old, based in Goes with 10 claim-free years. The calculation was made in February 2025 with the calculation tool of Alpina.nl
Top 5 cheapest car insurance policies All Risk March 2025
€132 cheaper on an annual basis
€ 25,-
€ 30,-
€ 35,-
€ 40,-
€ 45,-
*The premiums are based on a fictitious person driving a Fiat 500. The person is a male, 40 years old, based in Goes with 10 claim-free years. The calculation was made in February 2025 with the calculation tool of Alpina.nl
Better insured when you buy car insurance through Alpina
You can find cheap car insurance very easily online. At Alpina.nl you can easily and quickly compare car insurance companies with our handy online comparison tool. Compare different premiums and coverages to see which one is most suitable for your personal situation. This doesn't have to take long. Within five minutes you can already be comparing cheap car insurance.
Where can I find cheap car insurance?
With Alpina's comparison tool, you can compare different insurers within minutes, and find the cheapest car insurance for your car.
Be aware that the cheapest car insurance is not always the best car insurance for you. If you have an expensive car, you probably want to insure it better. Then it's better to opt for more comprehensive coverage. With a 10-year-old car, you might not care as much if you get some damage. Then you can opt for only third-party insurance.
Think carefully about what you want the insurance to cover, and read the policy terms carefully. That way you can find the insurance that suits you best for the best price.
Compare cheap car insurance
To get the best value for money, we recommend that you compare different insurers. This is because there are an awful lot of insurers on the market, giving you a choice of dozens.
Compare different coverages to see which one best suits your needs. Also consider the age and daily value of the car, and how many claim-free years you have accumulated. If one insurer is too expensive, choose another, cheaper insurer. This way you will find the most suitable car insurance at a good price.
Also, make a new comparison once in a while. Premiums and policy conditions of a car insurance company can change every year. Therefore, car insurance with the same coverage may suddenly be cheaper next year with another insurer. Of course, your personal situation can also change. Moreover, your car gets older every year. Maybe after a few years the coverage of your car insurance no longer fits your car. We therefore advise you to check annually if your car insurance still suits you.
What do you need to calculate insurance?
We have made calculating your car insurance premium easy. To calculate via Alpina.nl you only need some simple data, such as the license plate of your car and the number of claim-free years you have accumulated. With this we can already give you an indication of the premium, so you can immediately start comparing.
Are you going to finalize the insurance? Then we also need the car's report code.
Buying or changing cheap car insurance
Taking out car insurance is easy to do online. By means of the license plate, all data of the car can be retrieved. In addition, you only need the accumulated claim-free years of your current car insurance and the calculation and comparison can begin. Is your car still insured with an expensive insurer? With our cancellation service we can cancel the existing car insurance. Choosing another car insurance can save you hundreds of euros in premiums per year.
Temporary car insurance
Do you need temporary car insurance? Even then we have possibilities. Think, for example, of insurance to drive to the RDW inspection or WA coverage during the export of a vehicle.
Instant car insurance
You can buy car insurance directly with us after you calculate the premium. By completing the underwriting and closing questions, you apply for insurance. Depending on the information you provide, you can get immediate provisional coverage. If you do not receive immediate provisional coverage, the company will evaluate your application. In most cases you will receive a response within 1 hour on working days.
What factors play a role when comparing car insurances?
Factors that play an important role in determining the premium:
- What coverage did you choose?
- How many claim-free years have you accumulated?
- How many miles you will drive the car
- What is your age?
- What is your zip code?
Frequently asked questions about car insurance
Can you get car insurance without a driving licence?
Not all insurers can insure your vehicle when you are (temporarily) without a driver's license. However, you are required by law to have car insurance for your vehicle. The RDW (Department of Road Transport) checks this and can issue fines if you do not comply. We offer options for insuring a car without having a driver's license.
When am I obliged to insure my car?
You are required by law to insure a car as soon as the license plate is placed in your name. From that moment on, your details as owner are known to the Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer (RDW). A car that has already been registered in your name, but is still at the seller, for example, must be insured in your name from the moment it is registered. It is not mandatory to insure your car with limited liability or All Risk insurance, only the third-party coverage is mandatory. Read more about when car insurance is mandatory here
How do claim-free years work?
Claim-free years are the years that you have not claimed any damage with your insurer. For each claim-free year you climb 1 bonus malus step. The higher you climb the bonus malus ladder, the more discount you will receive on your premium. The discount can be as high as 80% for 15 claim-free years.
How many claim-free years you have accumulated can be found on your policy schedule. Not sure? Check with your insurer or intermediary. This way you avoid a change in premium afterwards if the claim-free years were not correct.
When is All Risk insurance a good idea?
The daily value of a car may be the determining factor in choosing All Risk car insurance. Usually you see All Risk coverage when a car still has more than €10,000.00 in daily value. Sometimes one looks at the year of construction. In that case, you often see that cars are All Risk insured up to 8 years after the year of construction.
What is a registration code?
You will need your vehicle 's registration code when you transfer the vehicle to another owner's name, when you apply for a license plate suspension, when you have the license plate cancelled at the registration desk, or when you scrap the vehicle.
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