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When am I considered a regular driver?

When you buy car insurance, you specify who the regular driver of the car is. The regular driver is the person who drives the car most of the time. Often, the policyholder himself is the regular driver, but it may also be someone else, such as your partner. Based on the personal information of the regular driver, the amount of the insurance premium is determined.

Difference between regular driver and main driver

In addition to the term "regular driver," you've probably heard the term "principal driver. These two terms are often used interchangeably. This is because they basically boil down to the same thing - the person who drives the car the most. This driver is usually also the person who buys the car insurance and in whose name the license plate is registered. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, when taking out car insurance, you should always specify who the main driver is.

Regular driver not necessarily owner

As mentioned, the regular driver is often the owner of the car, but this does not have to be the case. In fact, you can also purchase car insurance and indicate that someone else is the regular driver of the car. We give you two examples where the regular driver is not the owner of the car:

Example 1: A father owns the car and declares his son as a regular driver

A father buys a car for his son, but he remains the owner of the car. The registration number is therefore in his name. He takes out a car insurance policy and indicates that his son drives the car most of the time. The insurer then calculates the amount of the premium on the basis of the son being the regular driver. The son is the regular driver, but not the owner of the car.

regular driver

Example 2: You take out car insurance with your partner as a regular driver

Suppose you buy a car, but your partner is going to drive it most of the time. You are the owner of the car, but you indicate to the insurance company that your partner is the regular driver of the car. A condition for this is often that your partner must live at the same address.

Always declare honestly to the insurer who the regular driver is. It sometimes happens that people lie about who drives the car the most. For example, younger people pay a higher premium for car insurance. Therefore, parents sometimes report to the insurer that they themselves are the main driver, when in fact it is their son or daughter. This way, they pay a lower premium. However, this is considered insurance fraud. Being caught committing insurance fraud can have serious consequences for your current and future insurance policies.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Get car insurance through Alpina!

At Alpina.nl you can easily and quickly compare the premiums of various car insurance policies. With our online tool you can calculate an indication of the car premium. This allows you to compare car insurance policies on price and content. In this way you will find out which insurance suits you and your car best. We have made taking out car insurance easy. As soon as you have found the right car insurance, you can buy it directly online.

We are happy to help you get the right car insurance. Do you still have questions? Or would you like someone to help you compare car insurance? Then please contact us! We are available Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00. You can call us at 088-688 37 00 or send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or e-mail. Together we will make sure you are properly insured on the road.

Calculate your car insurance premium right away!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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