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Home Car Insurance Registration code

What exactly is a registration code?

A registration code is a unique identification code used to register vehicles in your name with the RDW (National Office for Highway Traffic). It is mandatory to have a registration code when you want to put a car, motorcycle or other vehicle in your name.

You used to have the transfer certificate (part II or copy part III). However, this no longer exists. Nowadays, a registration card comes with a unique 9-digit code: this is called the registration code.

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What is the RDW and what does this service do?

The RDW (Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer) is the government agency responsible for supervising road traffic and registering vehicles. The RDW checks that vehicles meet all requirements and also ensures that there is an accurate and up-to-date register of all vehicles in the Netherlands.

How do you get a registration code?

You can obtain a registration code by submitting an application to the RDW. You must provide certain information, such as your name, address and identification. You also need to provide a valid registration certificate and make the necessary payments.

car registration code

When will I receive the registration code?

The registration code consists of 2 parts. You put the two parts of the code together yourself. You receive the first part when you have the car registered in your name. The first part of the code is on the certificate of registration that you receive once the registration has been transferred to your name. Part 1 of the code consists of the first 4 digits of the code.

You will find the second part in the letter you receive from the RDW, along with your registration card. This is sent by mail a few days after the registration. The letter contains the last 5 digits of the code. It is important that you keep the registration code. On the letter you receive there are 9 boxes. The last 5 boxes already contain the second part of the code. You can also fill in the first 4 digits here and keep the letter well.

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Why is it needed?

If you are happy with your car and just use it, you don't need to have the registration code handy. However, there are some situations where you will need the code. For example, this is when you are going to:

  • Sell
  • Demolish
  • Suspend
  • Trade-in
  • Execute

If you sell the car and transfer the registration number to another owner's name, you must use the code to prove that you are indeed the owner of the car. Therefore, without the registration code, you cannot transfer the car.

Frequently asked questions about the registration code

What is the difference between the reporting code and the registration code?

The registration code and the car registration code are sometimes mixed up. Yet these two codes both serve different purposes. The registration code is needed when transferring, suspending, scrapping, exporting or trading in the car. The registration code is needed when buying car insurance. We explain the difference here.

In urgent need of a new registration code: what should I do?

If you are going to sell your car or maybe you have already sold it, you will need the registration code to transfer the car to the new owner's name. If the car is already sold, you obviously want to register it as soon as possible. Then it is annoying if you cannot find the code. Moreover, the buyer may find it annoying to have to wait. Fortunately, requesting a new code does not take long. Read here how you can apply for a new code urgently.

What are the costs?

The cost of a new registration code is €1.10 (January 2023) and you pay via Ideal.

What should I do if I lose my registration code?

It frequently happens that (part of) the registration code is lost anyway. According to the RDW, each year about 200,000 new registration codes are requested. People lose the registration certificate or the letter with the second part of the code gets lost. Sometimes people only find this out when they want to transfer or suspend the car. Even when the vehicle changes hands, the code often gets lost. Fortunately, you can request a new code from RDW. You used to apply for a new code and the RDW would then send it to you by mail. Depending on the mail, this could take several days. Nowadays, you can download the new code immediately if you log in with DigiD.

How can you request a new code?

Applying for a new registration code is done through the RDW website. You can follow the following steps when applying.

  1. Go to 'Lost car registration code' and log in using the 'Download registration code directly' button
  2. Log in with your DigiD.
  3. Pay the cost of €1 with iDeal
  4. You will then receive two emails from the RDW. The second email contains the link to your new registration code

The new code will last for 40 days. Therefore, download it immediately and save it properly. Once you have the new registration code, the old code is no longer valid.

Calculate your car insurance premium right away!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. For business use, you can enter the company's zip code here.
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