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What is the first part of the registration code?

Your car's registration card comes with a registration code. A registration code is unique and shows that you are actually the rightful owner of the car. The code consists of two parts: the first and second part of the registration code. You need the registration code when you want to sell, scrap, suspend, trade in or export your car. At Alpina.nl you can read all about the first part of the registration code for a car.

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first part registration code

Registration code: first part

As mentioned, a registration code consists of two parts. The first part of the registration code is on the registration certificate you receive when the car is transferred to your name. The first 4 digits of the registration code is called the first part. Having only the first part of the registration code is not enough. For example, if you want to sell the car, you need both the first and second part of the registration code. The second part is in the letter you receive from the RDW, at the same time as the registration card. This is sent by mail a few days after the registration. The letter contains the last 5 digits of the code. It is important that you keep the registration code. On the letter you receive there are 9 boxes. The last 5 boxes already contain the second part of the registration code.

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First part of registration code lost

Looking for the first part of the registration code, but lost the registration certificate? Then you can request a new code from the RDW. You are not the only one who loses the registration code: according to the RDW, about 200,000 new registration codes are requested every year. The registration certificate is lost during a move or the letter with the second part is accidentally thrown away. When a vehicle changes hands, the registration code also regularly gets lost. This is especially annoying if you were just about to transfer the car. Fortunately, you can immediately download a new registration code when you log in with your DigiD.

How can I request the first part of the registration code again?

If you have lost the first part of your registration code, you will have to apply for a whole new code. You can't just reapply for the first part. Fortunately, applying for a new registration code is very easy. You can follow the following steps:

  1. Go to 'Lost car registration code' and log in via the button 'Download registration code directly'.
  2. Log in with your DigiD.
  3. Pay the costs of €1 with iDeal
  4. You will then receive two emails from the RDW. The second email contains the link to the new registration code

The new registration code remains for 40 days. Therefore, download it immediately and save it properly. Once you have the new registration code, the old code is no longer valid.

Calculate your car insurance premium right away!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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