How can I view Roy Data?
Roy Data records your claim-free years. Claim-free years are years in which you have not claimed any damage with your insurer. This is advantageous, because for each claim-free year you climb 1 bonus malus step. The higher you are on the bonus malus ladder, the more premium discount you will receive. Therefore, having or not having claim-free years makes a big difference for car insurance. When you purchase car insurance, you will be asked about your claim-free years. Not sure how many claim-free years you have? Then you can view this information in Roy Data. At we explain how to do that.
Roy Data: claim-free years
Roy Data is the central database of Stichting EPS (Efficient Processes Schadeverzekeraars). In the past, you had to demonstrate your claim-free years with an expulsion statement. Since 1 September 2007 insurers work with a digital system: Roy Data. When you terminate your car insurance, the insurer will put your accumulated claim-free years in Roy Data. When you take out a new car insurance, the new insurer will consult Roy Data. Then they claim the claim-free years and add them to your new policy. This is not possible with the claim-free years of a current car insurance. All insurers have access to Roy Data. You can also see your claim-free years in Roy Data.
How can you see how many claim-free years you have?
Every year, your car insurer must let you know how many claim-free years you have. Your claim-free years are therefore shown on your policy schedule, which you receive every year. You can also request your claim-free years from your car insurer or intermediary. This always applies to claim-free years of a current car insurance. Claim-free years are not entered in Roy Data until your car insurance is terminated. If you still have a car insurance, the claim-free years you have accrued during that period are not yet registered. For these claim-free years you can contact your current insurer.
Previous claim-free years can be viewed in Roy Data. You should submit a request for this via the website of Stichting EPS. Here you will find the right of inspection form. You should send this in digitally, together with a copy of your proof of identity. Keep in mind that after sending the form, it may take a while before you receive your claim-free years. In most cases this takes a maximum of 28 days.
How long can I access my data in Roy Data?
Claim-free years are not valid indefinitely. After cancelling your car insurance, your claim-free years are valid for another 3 years with most insurers. This differs per insurer. With some insurers this is only 2 years, with others 4 or even 5 years. Always check how many claim-free years are valid with your insurer when you take out your car insurance. This way you know how long your claim-free years will remain in the Roy Data register.
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