Car insurance cancelled by insurer: now what?
When you take out car insurance, you do so for a certain period of time. You can cancel the car insurance yourself, under certain conditions. For example, because you have sold the car, because you want to switch to another insurer or because your current insurer has changed the premium or conditions of the insurance. But did you know that the insurance can also be terminated by the insurer? Of course they do not just do this, there has to be a good reason. An insurer does not have to wait until the expiration date of the insurance to do this. In certain situations, they may simply terminate the car insurance mid-term. At we will explain to you when a car insurance is cancelled by an insurer.
Reasons why car insurance is cancelled by insurers
There are several reasons that can cause an insurer to terminate an auto insurance policy, for example, if you:
- Not payingthe premium
- Claimed a lot of damage in a short time
- Committedfraud
- Has had a driving disqualification
Car insurance cancelled: CIS registration
If your car insurance has been cancelled by the insurer, this is noted in the database of Stichting CIS. Other insurers can see this data and take it into account when assessing a new application. This makes it very difficult to take out a new car insurance policy with a regular insurance company. How long a CIS registration stays in the system depends on what is registered. If it is a special notification registration then your data will be kept for up to 8 years. Otherwise, the registration is automatically deleted after 5 years at the latest. During this period, you probably won't be able to get regular car insurance.
How can I still get car insurance?
You are required to insure your car as soon as the license plate is in your name. But how should you do that if your car insurance is cancelled by the insurer? If no regular insurance company wants to accept you anymore you can always turn to the Vereende. De Vereende was founded especially for insuring special risks. Because of this, they have a broader underwriting policy and will accept most applications. The premium for car insurance is higher with the Vereende than with a regular company. This is because they run a higher risk by accepting you as a policyholder. So in return, there is a higher premium. The Vereende also sets a number of conditions for taking out car insurance. For instance, you have to pay the first three months of premium in advance and you pay a deposit of €175.
Get your Vereende car insurance through Alpina
Alpina is an intermediary of the Vereende. This means that through us you can take out car insurance with de Vereende. You can already calculate an indication of the premium online. Please note that an insurance with De Vereende can only take effect after you have paid the first premium AND after you have signed and returned the application form you received from us by e-mail. It may therefore take several days before you have coverage.
Do you have questions about taking out a new car insurance policy after it has been cancelled by the insurer? Then be sure to contact us so that together we can find the best solution for you. You can contact us by phone at 088-688 37 00. You can also send us a message via Whatsapp, Messenger or via chat.
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