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How can I get a new certificate of clearance?

Have you lost your release certificate? Then it is important that you request a new indemnity certificate. This is because the release certificate is proof that the car has changed hands and that you no longer have to meet the vehicle obligations. Vehicle obligations include MOT, road tax and at least third-party car insurance. At Alpina.nl you can read how to request a new indemnification certificate!

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

request a certificate of indemnity

Request a licence via the RDW

The RDW only issues a release certificate once. Therefore, you cannot request a new indemnification certificate. However, you can request an extract of your personal data from the RDW vehicle registration register. In this extract you will find all registered personal and vehicle data for up to 9 years. This also allows you to prove that the license plate of a car is no longer in your name.

You can request an extract in two ways: in writing or online. If you decide to submit the request in writing, please note that the RDW has a processing time of 9 working days. If you request the excerpt online, you can view the data immediately and therefore you do not have to wait. The costs are the same in both cases: for an extract you pay €4.50.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

What do I need to do to get a new release certificate?

When you request a new indemnification certificate online, you will need your DigiD login information. Once you are logged in, you can easily access the information. If you apply for the new indemnification certificate in writing, send along some personal information, such as your name, address, place of residence, date of birth, the date of payment and the account number you use to make the payment. Other than that, you don't need any documents.

You can also authorize someone else to submit the request to the RDW on your behalf. In this case, the authorized person can go to an RDW desk and must bring the following documents:

  • A written authorization signed by you
  • A copy of your identification card
  • Original identification of the authorised person

The authorized person does not receive the overview of the data. The RDW sends it to the address and residence with which you are registered in the vehicle registration register.

New car? Get car insurance through Alpina!

If you bought yourself a new car, don't forget to get car insurance. You are obliged to insure the car with at least third-party insurance. On Alpina.nl you will find the best coverage and most competitive premiums. You can first compare different insurers in our online comparison tool. Once you have found a car insurance you can take out an insurance policy directly online.

Finding the right car insurance is no small task. That's why our insurance specialists are always there for you. You can reach us Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. by phone at 088 - 6883700. Would you rather send us a message? No problem! You can always contact us via WhatsApp, Messenger or the chat function on our website.

Calculate your car insurance premium right away!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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