What is the best caravan insurance policy?
In the Netherlands, insurance is mandatory for motor vehicles. However, a caravan is not a motor vehicle, therefore you are not obliged to insure your caravan. If you cause damage to another person with your caravan, this falls under the coverage of your car insurance. However, if your own caravan is damaged, you cannot claim this damage from your car insurance company. For this you need to take out caravan insurance. But which caravan insurance should you take out? At Alpina.nl , we are happy to explain how to find the best caravan insurance.
Which coverage is best for your caravan?
A caravan insurance policy provides standard coverage for fire and theft. In most cases, an insurer will also pay for storm damage. This is nice, because weather conditions are becoming more and more extreme. Severe storms and severe hailstorms are becoming more common, so it's nice to be properly insured for them. However, hail damage is not included in the standard coverage of a caravan insurance policy; you must insure this separately. There are hailstorms in which stones fall the size of golf balls or even larger. This can significantly damage your caravan in a short period of time, and the cost to repair it can be high.
Also, the best caravan insurance depends on the daily value of your caravan. Is your caravan a bit older? Then you can also consider choosing few additional coverages or perhaps no caravan insurance. If you have a very new or expensive caravan, though, caravan insurance is always wise.
Compare caravan insurance policies
One way to find the best caravan insurance is to compare providers. On Alpina.nl , you can use our handy online comparer. You answer a number of questions about your caravan, such as year of purchase and construction, length, new value and purchase value. You also select the coverages you want to take out.Then, within minutes, you will see which caravan insurance policies match best. To compare properly, we also ask about the value of the:
- Awning / canopy
- Possible extension
- Contents
- Mover
Get best caravan insurance? Compare premiums by price and content through Alpina!
While comparing, you can compare caravan insurance policies on price as well as content. This way you can find not only the best, but also the cheapest caravan insurance. By not only looking at the premiums you can be sure that your caravan insurance offers good coverage in case of damage.
Do you have any questions or would you like to consult with one of our insurance experts? Then be sure to contact us! You can reach us Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 088 - 6883700. You can also send us your question via message. You can do this via e-mail, WhatsApp or Messenger.
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