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When is compensation paid?

With a standard caravan insurance you are insured for a number of things, such as fire, explosion, theft, burglary and storm. When compensation is paid in case of damage depends on a number of factors. First of all, it is important that you report the damage as soon as possible to the insurer or to us. This way, the claim can be handled quickly.

For costly damages, the insurer may use a damage expert. He can make an estimate of the extent of the damage. The expert also looks at how the damage occurred. Whether your claim will be paid depends on how you are insured for the damage and how the damage occurred. The differences between insurers are large and may also differ per coverage. Therefore, always check your policy conditions to see how you are insured and in which cases compensation will be paid.

Is the damage caused insured under the caravan insurance policy? Then the compensation will be paid to you or the damage repairer. However, you usually have to take an excess into account. You will have to pay this yourself. Whether you have an excess and how much depends on your insurance policy. You can find this on the policy of your caravan insurance.

When will compensation not be paid?

In some cases, no compensation will be paid on your caravan insurance. For instance, if it appears that you have handled your caravan recklessly. Or if you deliberately caused damage to your caravan in order to wrongfully claim compensation. Furthermore, just as with car insurance, damage caused under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be covered. Damage caused by wear and tear, scratches or poor maintenance is also not covered under your caravan insurance. In these cases, no compensation will be paid.

Consequences of wrongly claiming compensation

Insurers assume that you are honest about the claim you are making. The moment an insurer finds out that you are wrongfully claiming compensation, there are serious consequences. In case of insurance fraud, the policy will be terminated immediately. Moreover, you will be placed on a so-called "black list" (the CIS register). The consequence of a CIS registration is that other insurers will no longer be willing to insure you. It can be even more difficult to get insured then. Moreover, the premium will be much higher.

reimbursement for caravan insurance

How is the amount of compensation determined?

The amount of compensation is determined by the insurer on the basis of your claim. At the time you claim a loss, the insurer may call in a loss adjuster to assess the loss. This depends on the amount of the damage and to what extent the insurer can make a good estimate, based on the information you provided.

It depends on the insurance company whether it engages a loss adjuster. Always ensure that the information on the claim form is as complete as possible. If necessary, add photographs, receipts or witness statements. This way the insurer can determine the amount of your compensation as accurately as possible.

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