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Home Commercial vehicle insurance

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In just 3 steps, calculate your company car insurance premium.

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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14-day cooling-off period

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"Comparing company car insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your commercial auto insurance every year."

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Your company car insurance coverage

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

WA limited casco

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All-Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All about company car insurance

Insuring your commercial vehicle properly doesn't have to be expensive. You can save on the premium without settling for limited coverage. By comparing, you determine what's important and where to buy your commercial vehicle insurance. Of course, you want the best coverage for your commercial vehicle insurance.

Insuring a company car is often complicated, but it is not that complex. Insurers offer insurance forms that are basically the same for all of them.

Compare commercial vehicle insurance policies

Want to compare company car insurance? At Alpina, you can easily and quickly compare premiums by price and content. There are several premium determinants when comparing van insurance:

  • The selected coverage
  • Number of claim-free years
  • Your age
  • Your zip code

What is commercial motor insurance?

Company car insurance is taken out for the car that you use for business purposes and that is registered as such in your records. Company car insurance is more expensive compared to private insurance, but you can keep the differences limited by comparing car insurance atAlpina.nl.Employees are also allowed to drive the vehicle. Is the car used only for commuting? In that case, company car insurance is not strictly necessary. Insuring the car privately is then an option.

Affordable commercial vehicle insurance

Are you looking for low-cost commercial vehicle insurance? Dhe premium for company car insurance has the same basic dependencies as the private policy. The following factors come into play:

  • Number of claim-free years
  • The selected coverage
  • Use of the company car
  • Co-insurance of accessories

Opting for WA commercial motor insurance

You choose WA commercial vehicle insurance primarily for a commercial vehicle eight years old or older. Where the limit lies depends greatly on the value of the vehicle. A ten-year-old company car can still be worth a lot. The biggest disadvantage of third-party insurance is that damage to your own company car will not be paid for by the insurer. In case of damage you can possibly hold the other party liable, but that does not apply if you yourself are liable for the damage. Do you find this coverage too limited? Then choose one of the other two options for your business car insurance.

Opting for WA + limited casco commercial vehicle insurance

Naturally, the WA + limited hull insurance also offers coverage for damage caused to others. In addition, the own company car is also insured against a number of causes of damage listed in the policy conditions. This concerns the following coverages:

  • Theft and damage due to attempted theft
  • Lightning damage
  • Collision with animals
  • Hail damage
  • Storm damage
  • Window breakage
  • Fire and explosion

You choose this form of insurance when third-party insurance is too limited and all-risk coverage is too costly relative to coverage. Especially for an older commercial vehicle, the most comprehensive insurance may be too costly. You're not going to pay a €1,000 premium if the company car is only worth €2,000.

Opting for all-risk business insurance

This insurance offers the coverage in the WA + limited casco plus additional coverage, such as

  • Collision damage to own car
  • Damage to the company car due to a slippery road surface
  • Immersion of the vehicle
  • Damage by vandalism

You choose the all risk commercial vehicle insurance for a new commercial vehicle until the car is about three or four years old. This is an indication. You can also keep the company car all risk insurance for a six-year-old company car. It is a matter of weighing the coverage against the premium. As the vehicle ages, the daily value drops. As a result, it makes less and less sense to keep the company car extensively insured.

Do you also need supplementary insurances?

In addition to the insurance policies mentioned above, you can also choose a number of additional policies. Especially accident passenger insurance and damage passenger insurance are frequently chosen additional insurances. Also consider personal transport insurance. This provides coverage in case of theft from the company car. This could include tools or goods being transported to customers.

Know what the premium is for a company car? Then calculate the premium online.

Money back guarantee. 14-day cooling-off period

When you take out a commercial vehicle insurance policy with us, you have a 14-day cooling-off period. This means you can cancel the insurance within 14 days without giving any reason.

Acceptance for everyone

Alpina.nl has a suitable commercial vehicle insurance for every type of commercial vehicle and driver.

Transfer assistance

Want to switch from your current insurer to Alpina.nl, but are dreading all the hassle? No need! Switching to Alpina is very easy with our free cancellation service. It works like this:

  • Calculate your premium, and insure your vehicle
  • Download the free cancellation letter
  • Sign the letter and send it to your insurer

Frequently asked questions about commercial vehicle insurance

What is commercial motor insurance?

Company car insurance is taken out for the car that you use for business purposes and that is also registered in the administration. Company car insurance is more expensive compared to private insurance, but you can keep the differences limited by comparing car insurance at Alpina.nl. Employees are also allowed to drive the vehicle. Is the car used only for commuting? In that case, company car insurance is not strictly necessary. Insuring the car privately is then an option.

When do you choose company car insurance?

In a privately insured car, you may drive business miles. You may offset the miles driven for tax purposes in your business records. But that story doesn't always hold true. For example, you may use your private car to drive to a trade show or a business meeting. For delivering meals and driving as a cab, you need company car insurance. If a car is part of the company's assets, you choose company car insurance. It does not matter whether it is a van or a passenger car, for example.

What does the company car insurance premium depend on?

The premium for the business car insurance has basically the same dependencies as the private policy. The number of claim-free years and the types of insurance determine to a large extent the premium for business car insurance. But there are more dependencies. Important is what the company car is used for. A van used to transport employees to a location carries less risk than a van used intensively on a daily basis by a plumber. The type of vehicle also plays a role.

Are the accessories included in the insurance?

With accessories, it is possible to divide between accessories already fitted at the factory and accessories additionally fitted to the car. A tow bar can be an accessory to be co-insured, but if it is already fitted as standard, it is part of the new value. For example, a van's special equipment for business use is a separately insurable accessory. In the commercial vehicle insurance you can include accessories as you choose. This way you can tailor the van insurance to your needs.

What are important things about the policy conditions?

Reading policy conditions is not the nicest thing to do. That's why we've put the most important ones in a row. Clear and simple.

Read more

How does it work with claim-free years?

You can find out how many claim-free years you have on your policy schedule. Not sure? Check with your insurer or broker. That way you avoid having your premium changed afterwards if your claim-free years were not correct.

Read all about building up claim-free years

What supplementary insurances are there?

Some additional insurances are very useful. We will explain all supplementary insurances to you. That way, you can make an informed choice.

Check the pros and cons of supplementary insurances

Company car damaged after working hours! What are the consequences?

You insure a company car as a business vehicle, but what if the insurance is used by an employee outside of work hours, for example? Does company car insurance provide coverage? Read more.

Private lease - What happens to the accumulated claim-free years?

Driving a new car has the disadvantage of having to put down a chunk of money right away. More and more people are opting for private lease, but what will happen to your accumulated non-life years? Do you also build up damage-free years during the lease period? We are happy to explain. Read more.

How can you take out temporary company car insurance?

It may happen that you need to insure a car temporarily. For example, you buy a refurbisher that you still need to drive to your house. Or you don't get your new car for another two weeks and to bridge the time gap you temporarily take a car in your name. You are obliged to insure a car you have in your name. This problem can be solved with temporary car insurance. Read more.

I use the company car for courier work. Is this possible?

Yes you can. On our courier insurance it is also possible to insure company vehicles used as couriers.

What is cheap company car insurance?

There are three forms you can choose between. The cheapest commercial vehicle insurance is the third-party insurance. From limited to increasingly comprehensive are:

You won't get out from under the third-party commercial vehicle insurance. In fact, it is mandatory. TPL insurance pays out for damage caused by the company car to others. The two more comprehensive policies also pay out for damage to your own company car.

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