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Is my hearing aid insured on the contents insurance?

You need a hearing aid. You are then certainly not the only one. Together with half a million other Dutch people, you use a technological aid to hear better. However, your hearing aid is not just an investment. You have to have the model that suits you and preferably at the right price. Although health insurance often (partially) covers the cost of buying a hearing aid.

After a period of trying different hearing aids, you have made your choice. The perfect hearing aid that meets all your needs. But what if your hearing aid breaks down due to fire, smoke or water damage? Will you then be reimbursed for the cost of your hearing aid?

You can, provided you have contents insurance. But in what cases are you then insured? And are there any separate conditions? In this article, Alpina explains it all.

What does home insurance cover in general?

What all is covered by contents insurance? And how does your hearing aid fall within this coverage? We list it for you.


Contents insurance initially covers everything loose in the house. The rule of thumb here is that whatever you want to insure must be easy to move if you want to move. Think of your furniture and jewelry. You can choose the amount you want to be insured. Often the minimum coverage is for 100,000 euros. Beyond that, you can choose modules that go up per 25,000 or 50,000 euros, depending on the insurer.

Want to cover damage to things that do attach to your home? If so, you may want to consider taking out buildings insurance.

household insurance for hearing aids

Types of damage

The contents insurance covers damage caused by: fire, lightning, storm, burglary and water damage. Please note: damage caused by natural disasters is not covered.

Taking out home contents insurance? Calculate your premium!

Hearing aid

You can easily take your hearing aid with you and thus it is not attached to the house. That's why a hearing aid is covered under home contents insurance. Your hearing aid is then covered for all of the above types of damage.

Be careful with a hearing aid, however, as fall and impact damage is often not covered by the basic coverage. You can take out an additional policy for this, with your household insurance. Do you travel beyond your yard with your hearing aid? Then it is probably necessary to take out additional insurance against damage and theft of your hearing aid.

Keep in mind that contents insurance only covers damage caused inside the home. Some insurers also cover damage around the house, such as in the garden. However, you may have to take out another additional policy for this.

Get your contents insurance through Alpina: simple and affordable

Are you considering getting contents insurance for your hearing aid or other belongings? Then take it out now through Alpina! Thanks to our years of experience, we can offer you the best insurance. Do you still have doubts or questions about our home contents insurance? Feel free to contact our customer service. They are ready to answer all your questions.

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