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Home contents insurance for a room

Are you going to live in a room? Then it is wise to take out your own household contents insurance. Your belongings are no longer covered by your parents' home contents insurance. You will take your belongings with you from home, but perhaps you have also bought some new furniture for your room. Of course, you want this furniture to be properly insured. We tell you all you need to know about household insurance for your room.

Taking out home contents insurance when moving into a room: why?

As a student, you often have the necessary expensive stuff. A laptop for your studies, a smartphone and expensive textbooks. Home contents insurance protects your belongings against the following damages:

The most comprehensive home contents insurance for your room also covers damage caused by yourself. So you know for sure that your belongings are well insured. That's good, because damage is particularly likely in student accommodation. With several residents in one house, there is a greater chance that something gets damaged. For example, if a window or door is left open, someone leaves something burning or a cigarette is not put out properly. This often happens in the communal areas, but can also affect your room. In addition, burglaries are relatively more common in student houses, because burglars know that students often go home at the weekends.

Requirements insurer for household insurance room

Insuring a room involves a higher risk for the insurer. Especially the sharing of common areas. In addition, the chance of burglary or theft in a student house is much higher. It is difficult to keep track of who is visiting each other. Moreover, not every student room has a good lock, or the occupant sometimes forgets to lock his or her room. For this reason, many home insurance companies require that the student room be able to be locked. That way, not just anyone can walk into the room, and the risk of damage due to burglary is already much lower.

The insurer may also require each flatmate to take out contents insurance for their own room. This is usually the case when there are locks on the rooms. Therefore, always ask whether your housemates are insured. Always check the policy conditions of your home contents insurance if your insurer has other requirements. Insurers can also exclude certain items from coverage.

room contents insurance

Can household insurance be shared with roommates?

When you take out home contents insurance, you have to state your family composition. You can choose between single person with/without children or family with/without children. It is not possible to insure household members on the policy. You can, however, take out household contents insurance for your own room. In that case, the premium will also be adjusted to your situation as a student living away from home. Make sure that your room meets all the requirements set by the insurer. Otherwise, the insurer may not pay out any compensation in the event of damage or theft.

Contract contents insurance? Calculate the premium!

Get contents insurance for your room through Alpina

Prepare well and take out contents insurance for your room right away. That way, you can be sure that all your belongings are properly insured and you won't face a nasty financial setback. You can't use that, especially as a student! At Alpina.nl you can easily take out household contents insurance online.

Want to be fully insured? Then also read the following pages:

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