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What about contents insurance for a rented house?

When you own a house, you will have to deal with all kinds of insurance. But which insurances you need depends, among other things, on whether you rent or buy a house.

What, for example, is the situation with contents insurance in a rented house? We explain it to you.

Home contents insurance rented house

Is home insurance compulsory for my rented house?

When you buy a house, you need both a building insurance and a contents insurance. But if you rent a house, you do not need building insurance. These are costs the landlord already pays. However, contents insurance is recommended if you rent a flat or house, although it is not compulsory. With contents insurance you ensure that your (valuable) possessions are well insured in the event of damage, for example, by fire or theft.

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What does my home contents insurance cover?

With contents insurance for a rental property, you are covered for damage to all your belongings in the house that are not attached to your home. Such as furniture, clothing, and possibly other valuables.
Damage to the kitchen is usually covered under buildings insurance because it cannot be moved without damage.
Basically, insurance companies use the following rules as to what is covered under a building or contents insurance policy:

  • Building insurance: All the parts of your house that you cannot remove without causing serious damage.
  • Contents insurance: Everything that you can take with you without having to detach it from the building and thereby damage it.

Tenant's interest in rental property insurance

When renting a house, you may have to deal with tenant's interest. This includes improvements you have made to the house yourself, but which you leave behind in the house when you move out. Think for example of improvements you have made to your bathroom or even a new kitchen. These improvements have been paid for by you and are therefore your property. However, you do not take them with you when you move because they are fixed to the house. Normally, things that are attached to the house are covered by the building insurance. But when you rent a house, you do not have a building insurance. By means of the tenant's interest you can insure these items in your home contents insurance.

Need glass insurance for a rental property?

What about glass damage in rented accommodation? Glass is often included in the landlord's insurance. To be sure of what exactly you are insured for, always check with the landlord of the property first. The landlord will probably have stated in the contract what is and what is not insured in the rental property. After that, you may decide to take out a separate glass insurance policy yourself in addition to your home contents insurance.

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