Is a smartphone insured in home contents insurance?
We can no longer do without our smartphones. Because you often use the smartphone at home, it often gets damaged. The standard home contents insurance does not cover damage to the device, but it is possible to include it in the insurance.
For example, a laptop is not easily damaged. You walk around with it sporadically in the house, but it is usually somewhere safe. A desktop almost always stays in the same place in the house. With the smartphone it works differently. You walk around with it a lot and when you go out, you take it with you. A single drop of the phone is enough to cause hundreds of euros worth of damage. How can you adapt your home insurance to this?
What cover does the standard home contents insurance offer?
Most household insurances are so-called extra comprehensive household insurances. The name looks like a broad coverage against different types of damage. In itself that is correct, but often an even broader coverage is desired. This household contents insurance pays out, for example, for damage caused by fire, burglary, storm and lightning. Dropping or losing the smartphone are not covered. However, theft of the smartphone from the house is insured, but there is a need for an even broader coverage, and that is possible.
Expanding household insurance with outdoor coverage
Regular contents insurance offers limited coverage outside the home. Your belongings, including the smartphone, can also be properly insured outside. For this you can the contents insurance with the so-called outdoor coverage. In case of theft outside the home, you will be paid the damage amount. The insurance applies not only to the smartphone. Also for other parts of your household contents.
Expanding your home contents insurance with additional coverage for your smartphone
In addition to the outdoor coverage, you can also take out additional coverage. This additional coverage also compensates for financial loss due to loss or damage of the phone. With the insurance payment you can have the phone repaired in case of damage. In case of loss, the value of the phone is paid out.
Or do you prefer guarantee insurance?
When you buy a phone, you can also get insurance specifically for the phone. This is another way to insure your smartphone, but be careful. The premium is often very high and sometimes unreasonable exclusions apply. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the policy terms and conditions before taking out this insurance.
Do you have a contents insurance with only limited coverage for the telephone? If the contents insurance was taken out at least one year ago, you can cancel the insurance and switch.
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