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Is a phone covered on contents insurance?

Home contents insurance is essential insurance. Fire can cause you to lose all your possessions in your home within minutes, but the insurance offers broader coverage. Your smartphone is even covered in contents insurance. In addition to coverage against fire, you can also insure your mobile against theft and even damage caused by water or dropping it.

Many people do not know if contents insurance also insures the phone. Not all insurers offer coverage against dropping as well, but by comparing you can make demands on the policy. Contents insurance including the mobile has great advantages over more limited coverage.

Contents insurance phone

What coverage does home contents insurance provide for cell phones?

You can make a dichotomy in contents insurance. Traditional insurance provides coverage against a number of causes of damage defined in the policy terms. These include coverage for theft, fire and storm damage, for example. In modern household contents insurance, even dropping your phone is covered. These are the so-called all-risk policies. The policy terms of these policies do not list what is insured. In fact, everything is insured unless it is excluded in the policy conditions. For example, the terms and conditions state that intent is not insured.

Taking out household contents insurance? Calculate your premium!

How far does all-risk coverage go?

The coverage goes pretty far. Water damage to your phone is insured in contents insurance. Accidentally knocking over a can of paint on a rug is also insured. Being responsible for the damage yourself is no problem for compensation. It becomes a different story if you throw your cell phone into the toilet on purpose.

There is often a high deductible

To prevent the insurer from having many small claims to deal with, there is often a high deductible. For example, you pay the first €100 or €150 of damage yourself. In this way, the insurer prevents many small claims that add up to a large amount. Even more important is the prevention of high costs to handle the small claims. With a small claim, the handling costs are often much higher than the claim payment.

Just for the phone choose the all risks

Comprehensive contents insurance is recommended for the smartphone alone. After all, a phone gets damaged quickly. A torn front of a phone may already cost you hundreds of euros. Dropping the phone gives a high chance of damage.

What about a laptop and contents insurance?

You can take your laptop with you wherever you go, and so it falls under household contents. But is your laptop properly insured with home contents insurance? Insurers apply a number of conditions here.

Does it make sense to compare household insurance policies?

Yes! The differences between household insurance policies are great. This applies to both coverage and premium. To make this clear, we compare contents insurance in addition to motor insurance.


Calculate the premium for contents insurance online!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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