What does water damage include in a contents insurance?
Water damage such as a leak can be caused by heavy rainfall, but other water-related incidents can also cause water damage. Both parts of your house (walls and ceilings) and the things in your house can be damaged by water. Such damage can be quite costly. What does your home contents insurance cover in the event of water damage and what does it not cover?
Water damage caused by precipitation
Precipitation such as rain, hail or snow can cause a lot of damage. Situations in which water has entered your home, which could not have been prevented, are covered. For example, if you leave a window open during heavy rainfall, causing damage, this water damage cannot be recovered from your contents insurance.
Contents and water damage
Water damage to your household contents can be quite costly. Which water damage is covered by your home contents insurance depends on a number of things. In most cases, acute damage, such as a leak or heavy rainfall, is covered by the contents insurance. However, this only concerns unforeseen damage. Damage caused by overdue maintenance is not covered.
Insurers generally distinguish between 3 categories:
- Water damage caused by precipitation
- Water damage caused by indirect precipitation
- Water damage caused by tap water
Water damage caused by indirect precipitation
Indirect precipitation is water that has unexpectedly entered your home by overflowing ditches, canals and quays as a result of heavy rainfall. A contents insurance with an extra extensive perils insurance or an all-risk contents insurance will in most cases also cover this damage. However, damage caused by a breach of dike or flooding of rivers/sea is always excluded from coverage.
Damage caused by tap water
Damage caused by tap water is in many cases compensated by the contents or building insurance. For example, water damage caused by water from the central heating system, water pipes or installations connected to them. Again, this only applies to unforeseen situations that you could not have prevented yourself. Water damage caused by overdue maintenance is never covered.
Many insurers offer home contents insurance. Each insurer has different coverages. Therefore, you cannot simply compare all providers and their products with each other. It is important to know what the exact coverage of the contents insurance is when comparing them.
Insurers always state in their terms and conditions and the clauses what exactly is covered. Are you comparing different providers via our website? Then pay attention to any differences in coverage. You can also always call our staff for more information.
What does the home contents insurance not cover in the event of water damage?
It is logical that water damage caused by overdue maintenance is not insured as standard. You could have prevented these damages yourself. Think of repairing worn sealant seams and joints.
Also water damage caused by negligence (e.g. by leaving the sliding door or a skylight open during a heavy rainfall) is not covered.
Damage caused by flooding is not covered either. This often raises questions, because there is nothing you can do about it: it is not due to overdue maintenance or negligence on your part. A flood, however, is part of the catastrophe risk. Catastrophe means great disaster. In case of such disasters the individual insurer does not have enough money to pay for the damages. Often, several customers of the insurer suffer severe damage simultaneously.
In these cases, the government often provides (partial) compensation. You can then appeal to the Wet Tegemoetkoming Schade (WTS).
What should I do in case of water damage?
You should always take as many measures as possible to limit the damage. These include directly tackling the cause (where is the water coming from) and getting your belongings to safety.
If possible, also take pictures of the damage. After this, you can report the damage. Are you insured through Alpina? Then you can report the damage to us by phone or completely online.
Read also:
- Is water damage to laminate covered?
- What does household insurance cover?
- What is household insurance in English?
- IPad cases: what is covered by the contents insurance?
- What about the contents insurance if you live together without a cohabitation contract?
- How to submit a claim on the contents insurance
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