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monumental building

Insurance for monuments

Customized advice?

In the Netherlands, historic monuments are not only a valuable cultural heritage, they also offer countless business opportunities for entrepreneurs engaged in restoration, preservation and repurposing. Special buildings are increasingly being given a new purpose, for example as business premises. Because of their unique character, special history and often good location, monuments are very popular. However, protecting these unique and often vulnerable buildings is essential. Good insurance must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the monument.

Risks in insuring a monument

A listed building is beautiful, but it also comes with risks. One of the main risks is the danger of fire, as older buildings are often more susceptible to fire. In addition, restoration costs can be very high. Normally, when damage occurs, the reconstruction value of the property is considered. The reconstruction value is the amount you need to rebuild the property in the same way after it has been lost due to damage. However, the reconstruction value of a monument is considerably higher than for a standard commercial building of the same size. This is because all the special elements of the property must also be restored. In addition, natural disasters, such as floods and storms, pose a constant threat to monuments. Moreover, burglary, theft, vandalism and the gradual wear and tear over the years can endanger the heritage.

Important insurances for a monument

Insuring a monument is customized. This is where our business advisors can help you. With the right measures and insurance, you can be sure that the monument is well protected.

Buildings Insurance

Building insurance (also known as business property insurance) is essential to protect the physical structure of the monument itself. This insurance covers damage to the building itself, including its walls, roofs and foundations. It is a basic requirement to preserve and restore the monumental structure after unexpected events.

Inventory Insurance

Monuments can often house valuable inventory, furniture, artwork and other valuable objects. Of course, you also want to properly insure your business inventory. Inventory insurance covers damage to or loss of these valuable possessions due to events such as fire, theft or natural disasters.

CAR insurance

There are several risks during the construction, renovation or restoration of a monument, including damage to materials, equipment or accidents at the construction site. CAR insurance covers damage to the structure and any liability claims that may arise during construction activities. It is crucial to protect the project while it is in progress.

Customized advice?

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