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Business car insurance

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. For business use, you can enter the company's zip code here.
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For more than 800,000 clients, we provide clear, transparent & honest advice.
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We pick out the fine print for you

"Comparing business auto insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your car insurance every year."

photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura van Maarschalkerweerd - Car Insurance Expert

More than 10 years of car insurance experience

Background expert photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd
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Your business auto insurance coverage

WA (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and missing.
  • Window damage
  • Damage caused by fire or natural disasters
  • Own damage from a collision

Limited casco

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and missing.
  • Window damage
  • Damage caused by fire or natural disasters
  • Own damage from a collision

All Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and missing.
  • Window damage
  • Damage caused by fire or natural disasters
  • Own damage from a collision

All about business car insurance

All car owners are required by law to insure their car from the moment the registration number is in their name. This, of course, also applies to cars used for business purposes. Are you looking for a good business car insurance policy? Depending on several factors, choose a cheap business car insurance that suits you best.

Business car insurance calculator

Generally, business car insurance is more expensive than private car insurance. If you are looking for a good business car insurance policy, it pays to compare the premium for these car insurance policies carefully.

One of the reasons why the premium is higher with business use is because of usage. Business cars are generally driven more than cars for private use.

Furthermore, it appears that the drivers of these vehicles often do not own them. As a result, they do not pay the car insurance premium themselves. Therefore, their interest in claim-free driving is much less because they do not notice a premium increase due to a claim.

What types of business auto insurance coverages are there?

Third-party insurance is the most important and mandatory part. The abbreviation WA stands for third-party liability. This coverage ensures that damages are compensated to the other party when you are liable. The premium for this coverage is the basis for the insurance. You can choose an additional extension, which also provides compensation for damage to your own car. In addition to the legally required third-party insurance, you can opt for the third-party limited casco or the all-risk insurance; the third-party casco. The WA limited casco insurance also covers fire damage, broken windows and damage caused by a collision with stray animals. All-risk insurance also covers damage caused by you to your own car.

Getting business auto insurance online

At Alpina.nl you can easily calculate the premium for business car insurance. All you need is the registration number of the car(s) and the number of accrued claim-free years. To make an accurate calculation, you need to fill in more than just the above, but you know the rest of the answers by heart. To finally insure the car, you need a license plate number and a report code.

What factors go into comparing car insurance?

Factors that play an important role in determining the premium:

Click here for more information on comparing insurance.

Business car insurance comparison

All car owners are required by law to insure their car from the moment the registration number is in their name. This, of course, also applies to cars used for business. Do you want to business compare business car insurance? At Alpina you can easily and quickly compare premiums by price and inhoud. When comparing vaninsurance, there are several premium determinants:

  • The coverage chosen
  • Number of claim-free years
  • Your age
  • Your zip code

Get business car insurance

You can get business auto insurance in just a few steps.

  • Enter your zip code, license plate number, date of birth and claim-free years;
  • Choose the right coverage for your car: WA, WA limited collision or All-risk;
  • Compare different providers on premium and coverage;
  • Get your business car insurance.

Business car insurance for the self-employed person

Are you self-employed and use your car for client visits, business trips or transporting business goods? Then it is important that your car is also insured for business purposes. A business car insurance takes into account that you travel more kilometers as a self-employed person. Yourw private use also falls under business car insurance. The moment you only use the car for commuting, private car insurance is sufficient.

Possible coverages in car insurance

Civil liability (WA)

This is the basic coverage and the lowest premium. It covers the damage you cause with your car to third parties, but not the damage to your own car.

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Limited casco (WA plus or WA+)

In addition to the third-party coverage, damage to your own car is now also covered in the event of fire, theft, storm and broken windows, among other things. Damage to your own car that you have caused yourself (e.g. due to a collision) is not covered.

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Full hull (all-risk)

This is the most comprehensive coverage. Everything covered under limited hull is covered, but now all damage to your own car is also covered.

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Frequently asked questions about business car insurance

What are important things about policy conditions?

Reading policy terms and conditions is not the most fun thing to do. That's why we've listed the essentials. Clear and straightforward.

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How does it work with claim-free years?

How many claim-free years you have accumulated can be found on your policy schedule. Not sure? Check with your insurer or intermediary. This way you avoid having to change the premium afterwards if the claim-free years were not correct.

Read all about accumulating claim-free years

What supplemental insurance policies are there?

Some supplementary insurances are very useful. We explain all supplementary insurances to you. That way you can make an informed choice.

Check the pros and cons of supplemental insurance policies

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