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Getting your CAR insurance

With CAR insurance, you are well insured in case of damage that occurs during construction or remodeling.

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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

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Bjorn - Expert Insurance

More than 5 years of insurance experience

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All about CAR insurance

Are you a contractor, principal, architect or perhaps structural engineer? If so, CAR insurance may be for you.

With CAR insurance, you are well insured in case of damage that occurs during construction or remodeling. For example, if a wall installed during an addition suddenly collapses.

What is CAR insurance?

CAR stands for Construction All Risk. CAR insurance covers material damage that occurs during the construction or reconstruction of buildings, roads, bridges and installations, for example. The damage can be caused by a design error, execution error or construction error. But damage caused by fire, storm or theft is also covered. Standard building insurance or business liability insurance does not cover damages during construction or remodeling work.

CAR Insurance: for whom?

CAR insurance is for both the principal and the contractor, with and without staff. As a client you have a great responsibility. You are ultimately responsible, but you are dependent on other parties such as a contractor or architect. If you hire a contractor, he is often also insured for damage he causes. But it can also happen that damage occurs that is not covered by the contractor. Often, as the client you are dealing with different parties, sometimes all with their own insurance. This can lead to mutual discussions, which can delay your project. With a CAR insurance, uncovered damage is insured.

Why take out CAR insurance?

CAR insurance gives you the certainty that unexpected damage is covered during the construction or renovation. This means the project is not delayed and you are not faced with high costs. In addition, all employees walking around on the building site are also insured. Taking out CAR insurance is not compulsory, but it can sometimes be demanded by a (main) contractor, structural engineer, client or architect.

CAR Insurance Construction

With CAR insurance, you don't have any hassle with damage during the construction of an object. During construction or renovation you have to deal with many different parties. Often there is a client, contractor, architect, engineer, installer and perhaps a roofer and painter involved. With a CAR insurance, all employees at the building site are insured. In addition, you are then assured of a quick settlement of claims, so that the project is not put on hold for long.

CAR insurance for contractors

CAR insurance is not only important for clients, but also for contractors. As a contractor you are bound to encounter damage during a construction project. For example, if the construction causes damage to the building of the neighbours. Or if building materials are damaged at the construction site. Your own belongings are also insured. You can usually opt for insurance on a project basis or for continuous CAR insurance.

CAR insurance for self-employed people

Even if you are self-employed, it pays to look into CAR insurance. This is often forgotten by ZZP'ers who work in construction. They often think of a Liability Insurance ZZP, but that only covers damage you cause to another person. To ensure that you do not have to pay for any damage yourself, you can take out CAR insurance. This way you can be sure that you are properly insured.

CAR insurance costs

The cost of CAR insurance depends on the coverage you choose. You put the insurance together yourself, which is why it is customised for insurers. For example, the costs for a sole trader in the construction industry are different than for a large contractor with employees. You can also take out a number of additional covers. The more additional cover you take out, the higher the costs. Would you like to know what CAR insurance costs? Then ask for a quotation without any obligation.

Calculate CAR insurance premium

At Alpina\.nl, you can quickly and easily request a quote for CAR insurance. Our insurance specialists can help you put together the optimal insurance policy. The amount of the premium depends on the coverage you want. There are also additional coverages you can consider. As a sole proprietor, different coverages may apply than for a large contractor. CAR insurance is for both large and small contractors, as well as other individuals in the construction industry. You choose which coverage applies to you. Based on your personal situation, the premium for your CAR insurance is determined.

Take out CAR insurance

Taking out CAR insurance is easy at Alpina.nl. You first request a quote online. You will receive this from us within two working days. This gives you an idea of the monthly premium. Do you have any questions about taking out CAR insurance or would you first like to consult one of our insurance specialists? Then please contact us! You can reach us by phone at 085 - 029 5179. We are at your service Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

CAR insurance coverage

You can compile the cover of a CAR insurance yourself. The standard coverage of a CAR insurance consists of damage caused by fire, theft, vandalism, rain, storm, design and construction faults and material faults. So with CAR insurance you are also covered for liability damage to an object that you build or assemble. You then decide for yourself whether you want to extend the insurance further with additional coverage. For example, you can include insurance for damage to property or persons on the building site, or personal belongings of your employees and the client's property.

Compare CAR insurance

Before you purchase insurance, you naturally want to compare different providers so that you can find the best CAR insurance at the lowest premium. Normally you can compare insurance with our handy online comparison tool, but since this insurance is customized, in this case you can request a quote first. At Alpina, we work with several insurance companies, so we can always offer you a competitive quote. Do you have any questions following the quote? Then you can always contact us!

What does CAR insurance cover?

What exactly is covered varies from one insurer to another, but in general a CAR insurance provides cover in the following situations:

Damage to scaffolding, tools and chains

Damage to an existing building due to reconstruction work

Damage to an object that you build, including building materials

Damage to surrounding buildings due to demolition work

Damage due to a design or construction fault

Damage due to theft and vandalism

Damage by fire and explosion

Storm damage

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