Get your cyber insurance directly
Cyber insurance insures you against the consequences of incidents related to digital processes, such as viruses, hackers, system intrusions, data breaches, lost data and DDoS attacks.
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14-day cooling-off period.
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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

Bjorn - Expert Insurance
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All about cyber insurance
Cyber insurance insures you against the consequences of incidents related to digital processes, such as viruses, hackers, system intrusions, data breaches, lost data and DDoS attacks.
Errors during use, maintenance and in improving the ICT system are also covered by cyber insurance. By responding quickly and purposefully, damage is minimized.
Basically, cyber insurance provides global coverage (excluding USA and Canada) unless otherwise specified in the policy terms.
What is insured with cyber insurance?
This insurance covers legal liability, loss of profits, crisis management costs and own loss. The conditions are discussed in detail below. Think about:
- System intrusion and digital liability
- Theft of privacy-sensitive data
- Hacking
- Extortion and cyber attacks
Sum insured
You can choose the insured amount yourself. The lowest insured amount is €250,000 per event, per insurance year. The highest possible amount you can insure is €2,500,000 per event, per insurance year.
This insurance covers the costs if other parties suffer damage as a result of the cyber incident for which you are liable.
Repair costs
Repair costs include the costs of repair, replacement or restoration of websites, programs or data.
Loss of income/business interruption*
Does an attack on your computer systems result in loss of income? If so, this loss is covered. In the policy conditions you can read in which cases loss of income is further compensated.
* For business loss, a waiting period of 8 hours applies.
Data leak
When privacy-sensitive data is stolen, the costs of investigations, claims by individuals and fines imposed by regulators are reimbursed.
Breach of systems or data
If your systems or data are breached, the costs of (forensic) investigations, communications and customer support will be reimbursed. Communication includes communication with customers, justice, regulators and other involved parties.
In addition, crisis management and reputation restoration costs are also covered under this insurance.
What is not insured with cyber insurance?
There are a number of items excluded from coverage by default, such as:
- Intentionally causing damage
- When committing fraud
- If the damage is caused by data you have obtained illegally
- Damage caused by war, looting and governmental action
In addition, the following items are not insured with cyber insurance:
- Bodily injury and property damage
- Contractual liability
- Damages for breach of trade secrets or an intellectual property.
This does not apply if you are held liable for a mistake regarding media.
In many cases with cyber insurance you have an excess. The excess is the part of the damage that you have to pay yourself every time you have damage. You can find out how high this excess is in the policy conditions.
Communicating changes is important
When you apply for insurance or if you have a claim, you have to answer questions. You must answer these questions honestly. In addition, you should do as much as possible to prevent and limit damage. Report damage as soon as possible! It is also important to inform us of any changes.
When you take out cyber insurance, you are expected to meet a number of prevention requirements. If you do not meet these prevention requirements, you may not be paid or only partially paid.
Easy comparison and conclusion
Through our website you can easily compare insurance policies. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your needs, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions.
You can compare these. Once you have found a suitable insurance, you can purchase it directly.
Are you struggling or do you still have questions? Then you can of course always reach us by phone at 088 - 688 37 00. We will be happy to help you.
Are you prepared for cybercrime?
The impact of a cyber attack is very high. Therefore, cyber insurance is no longer a luxury in this day and age. To minimize the chances of cyber attacks, there are a number of things you can do as a business owner, such as:
- Install software updates regularly and make sure systems are up-to-date.
- Use strong passwords and make sure you have as few identical passwords as possible for different programs.
- Make your staff aware of the risks and make clear agreements on handling customer data, among other things.
This page offers more tips on preventing cyber attacks.
The risks of cybercrime
Cyber attacks unfortunately take place daily and are not without risks. More and more Dutch companies are seeing the dangers of cybercrime. This is evident from the number of measures companies are taking to prevent a cyber attack. Due to the large increase in digital traffic, the danger of cybercrime will remain present in the coming years.
The main dangers of cybercrime include:
- Data theft
When customer and/or supplier data becomes public, hackers can misuse this data in a variety of ways. - Website (temporarily) down
Temporary downtime of the website can lead to loss of revenue. You will not be able to reach (potential) customers temporarily. - High costs
Digital fraud or personal data theft often result in enormously high costs. In addition, you will need to invest in digital security to prevent any new cyber attack. - Image damage
When your company becomes a victim of cyber criminals, it creates negative publicity. This negative publicity creates image damage.
Make employees aware of the dangers
The risks of digitizing businesses are quite significant. It is important that you do not underestimate the risks and also make your staff aware of the potential dangers. Employees are often not sufficiently aware of the dangers of Internet crime. For example, the same password is often used for multiple websites. In addition, software updates are delayed too long. This makes it extra easy for Internet criminals to strike. Clearly explain why it is important to use strong passwords and vary passwords. Also make clear the importance of software updates and warn about emails from unknown senders. Don't let them open e-mails or files from people they don't trust.
How to act in case of a cyber-attack?
If you are a victim of a cyber attack, it is important to remain calm but act quickly. To do so, follow the steps below:
- Break the internet connection immediately
- Inform the IT department
- Back up your files
- Inform your bank and block any payment accounts
- Report it to the police.
What to do after a data breach?
A data breach can occur in a number of ways. Due to cybercrime, third-party personal data may fall into the hands of criminals. If security incidents arise from this, it is called a data breach. A data breach is considered a violation of privacy laws. As a company you are, in most cases, obliged to report this to the Personal Data Authority and sometimes also to the data subjects whose data has been leaked.
The information that you generally need to report immediately includes
- Login data, such as user names and passwords.
- Financial data of the persons concerned.
- Medical and psychological data.
- Social data of a personal nature.
Are you not reporting a data breach when you should be? Then you risk a high fine.
How does Alpina work?
As an intermediary, we are not part of any insurance company. This means that we have no financial or production obligations to the companies we work with. When comparing insurance, we consider your personal situation and specific wishes regarding coverage. Alpina makes insurance clear and fast.
Money back guarantee! (14 days)
Your insurance enquiry will be assessed quickly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can then immediately take to the road with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about your old insurance either. You can cancel it with us directly online.
Alpina complies with all the legal requirements of the AFM. For example, we have the necessary permits and diplomas and we are affiliated with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid).
Do the Basic Cyber Resilience Scan
Based on 25 statements, you will find out how your company scores on the 5 basic principles of safe digital entrepreneurship, drawn up by the Digital Trust Center (part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change).
Receive a report and advice
After completing the scan, you will receive a report that shows, for each basic principle, to what extent you have your basics in order. Should this not be the case, then we will give you advice on how you can work on this yourself.
Please note that the report only gives an indication of the current cyber resilience of your company. It does not guarantee that your company is digitally safe.
Forms of cybercrime
There are many ways for cybercriminals to attack your company online. Below is a brief overview of the most common variants.
Phishing involves an email or website asking for your personal information. This is supposedly an email sent by, for example, your bank. Never just give out personal information, such as passwords or your PIN number. Also never just click on a link in an email. When in doubt, always contact the company that allegedly sent the email.
Malware is the collective term for malicious software. When cybercriminals infect your computer with malware, they can lock your files. A virus is a well-known form of malware.
Identity fraud
Identity fraud occurs to both individuals and businesses. This involves using your identity to order products or services. Sometimes these false identities are used to carry out illegal activities.
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