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What to do if you are a victim of cybercrime?

You can do a lot to reduce the chance of a cyber attack. With cyber insurance, you insure yourself against the consequences of incidents involving digital processes.

Cybercriminals come in different shapes and sizes. They can be individuals, organisations, activists or even state linked groups. These people may have different motives. They often use the Internet to protest, to mobilise people or to extort or blackmail people/companies. The goal is usually to make money. Cybercriminals can attack your company in many different ways online. What should you do if you are the victim of a cyber attack?

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How should you act in the event of a cyber attack?

Should you encounter a cyberattack, it is important to remain calm but act quickly.
Follow the roadmap below:

1. Break the internet connection immediately

In the event of a cyber attack, it is important to disconnect the Internet connection immediately. This way you will prevent any further spread of your data.

2. Inform the IT department

Inform the IT department and have someone look at the computer(s) on which the attack took place. Criminals often infect computers with malware. This is the collective name for malicious software. So check carefully whether this is also the case with your computer. You can remove the malware, but it is better to reinstall the system (or have it reinstalled).

3. Make a backup

If possible, back up your files. However, do not restore your backup until you are sure it is 100% secure.
It is a good idea to back up your system anyway. This way you will always have a copy of your files.

4. Inform your bank and block any payment accounts

Let your bank know that you are the victim of a cyber attack and block any payment accounts immediately. Be extra alert for suspicious activities on your account and ask your bank to do the same. In case of phishing, it is wise to change your passwords. There is a very good chance that the criminals have found out your passwords. Make sure you use strong passwords and do not use the same password for multiple websites.

5. Report to the police

Always report any form of Internet crime to the police. This form of crime is punishable by law. The general telephone number of the police is: 0900-8844, but you can also report it to the local police.

Alpina offers the option of cyber insurance for your business.

Do you have questions about cyber insurance? Then please contact us. We would be happy to help you! We can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00 on 088-6883712.

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Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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