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Corporate liability insurance

With Business Liability Insurance you are insured for damages caused during the course of your work. If you own a painting business and accidentally drop a pot of paint on a customer's carpet, you are insured for that.

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All about corporate liability insurance

Most people have Private Liability Insurance (AVP). This insurance covers damage to another person's belongings or to the person himself for which you are liable in private situations.

Liability Insurance for Individuals does not cover damages you cause as a business.

For this, you can purchase Business Liability Insurance (AVB).

Take out liability insurance for companies

At Alpina, it is possible to purchase business liability insurance.

You can easily make a premium calculation online by entering your company's details. We will show you the premium. Check your details and request a quote or, if you wish, take out insurance directly online.

What does business liability insurance cover?

The AVB covers damage caused to persons or property, provided it occurs within the insured capacity of the company and provided you are liable for it.

This insurance is similar to civil liability insurance for individuals. To be clear; the insurance does not cover damage to things you have under supervision. In other words, if you cause damage to materials or items under your control, such as used materials, this is not covered. However, there is coverage for damage you cause to other people's property or persons. The premium is usually very affordable and ensures worry-free business.

Is liability insurance for companies obligatory?

Professional liability insurance is not required by law. However, it is increasingly common nowadays that a supplier or client does not want to do business with you if you are not insured. Many entrepreneurs therefore choose to take out Professional Liability Insurance.

Difference AVB and BAV

Business liability insurance (AVB) is often confused with professional liability insurance (BAV). However, professional liability is not insured with business liability insurance. Professional liability involves, for example, giving incorrect/incomplete information or wrong advice. You can purchase professional liability insurance for this.

With professional liability insurance (BAV), you insure the financial loss your client suffers as a result of a professional error for which you are liable. Professional indemnity insurance is intended for ZZP'ers and SME'ers who provide advice, for example. These can be architects, engineers, consultants in business services and ICT specialists.

This insurance protects your business from claims if your business is held legally liable for the damage to others caused by your business, your employees, your products or by yourself.

What added value does legal expenses insurance have in an AVB?

In addition to business liability insurance, it may be wise to purchase business legal expenses insurance. As a business owner, you deal with many different parties. Should you be held liable by one or more of these parties, such as customers or suppliers, liability insurance usually covers these damages. If you do not agree with a claim and cannot resolve it with the other party, then legal assistance insurance can help. Should legal assistance be necessary to resolve a business conflict, then you are assured of legal help and advice with legal assistance insurance. Without legal assistance insurance you, as an entrepreneur, will have to pay for legal costs yourself.

What is not insured with business liability insurance?

As seen above, you are not insured for professional liability. Items you have "under supervision" are also not insured. This concerns items that you have to install, such as a kitchen or bathroom. The moment you are responsible for this and damage occurs, it is not covered by the AVB. Also when you have not delivered the work to the client's satisfaction, this is not insured with an AVB.

These are the main things that are not insured with business liability insurance. Want to know more? Then always read the policy terms and conditions.
A deductible usually applies to business liability insurance. You can also find this in the policy conditions.

Communicating changes is important

When you apply for insurance or have a claim, you have to answer questions. You must answer these questions honestly. In addition, you must do as much as you can to prevent and limit damage. Report damage as soon as possible! Furthermore, it is important to inform us if things change.

Compare and close easily

Through our website you can easily compare insurances. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your needs, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. You can compare these.

Once you have found a suitable insurance policy, you can purchase it immediately.

Are you unable to find it or do you still have questions? Then please contact us.

You can reach us by phone at 088 - 688 37 12 and we will be happy to assist you.

How does Alpina work?

As an intermediary, we are not part of any insurance company. This means that we have no financial or production obligations to the companies we work with. When comparing insurance, we consider your personal situation and specific wishes regarding coverage. Alpina makes insurance clear and fast.

Money back guarantee! (14 days)

Insurance applications are reviewed quickly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can then immediately hit the road insured with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about your old insurance either. You can cancel it directly online with us.


Alpina complies with all the legal requirements of the AFM. For example, we have the necessary permits and diplomas and we are affiliated with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid).

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