How does the Brexit affect product liability?
Due to the Brexit Great BritainBritain is no longer part of the European Union. If you import goods from Great Britainthen has this has consequences for your company. The information below is valid from 1 January 2021.
Products traded within the EU traded, must comply with EU product directives. Manufacturers must be able to demonstrate that a product complies with the rules. They do this by placing a so-callede marking. For the ss caused by caused by defective products, the European manufacturer is liable.
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Who is responsible?
When a manufacturer is not or no longer ine European Union, it is a different story. In that case, the importer is liable under the law, because he is then considered to be the manufacturer. In addition, the importer is also the first point of contact for the Dutch authorities who carry out checks on product safety.
Because of the Brexit a British manufacturer is no longer established in the EU, product liability also shifts. The importer established in the Netherlands is there as of 1 January 2021, the importer based in the Netherlands will be fully liable that the products are safe and have no defects.
Consequences of the Brexit
Dhe legal risks and consequences of doing business with UK suppliers have increased many times over with the Brexit. It is therefore important to pay attention to a number of important issues, namely: whether you are sure that the products you are importingt Are you sure that the products you are importing from Great Britain are safe and that the supplier places a so-called CE mark on the products. You may be able to agree with the supplier that he will be he will be liable to you for any damages that have to be paid. But beware! Product liability applies for up to 13 years after a product has been in circulation. The chances are that in 13 years' time you may no longer have any contact with the supplier.
When it comes to insurance, you should ask yourself the following questions; Does your current insurance cover product liability? If not, are you prepared to take out insurance for this or to take on this additional liability with the possible financial consequences??
What is the cost of liability insurance for companies?
What liability insurance costs depends in part on the type of business you have and the turnover you make. At you can already calculate an indication of the monthly premium online. To do so, enter some information about your company, such as the industry in which you operate and how many employees you have. You will then be presented with an overview of insurers with corresponding premiums.
Frequently asked questions about an AVB
Is liability insurance for companies obligatory?
No, liability insurance for companies is not compulsory. However, more and more suppliers or customers do not want to do business when someone is not insured. Therefore, many entrepreneurs still choose to take out liability insurance for their company.
Why take out liability insurance for companies?
An accident in the workplace can happen at any time. We have some examples for you:
- A customer slips on the newly mopped floor of your office and breaks a leg in the process
- A worker accidentally drops a roof tile while repairing a roof. A passer-by is hit and suffers permanent injury
- While working at a customer's house, you accidentally bump into an extremely expensive vase and it falls to pieces
Is an AVB also for ZZP'ers?
As a self-employed person it is also wise to take out liability insurance. With a ZZP liability insurance, you are insured if you, as an entrepreneur, cause damage to another person or if your work causes injury to another person.
Take out business liability insurance on
Do you want to be properly insured in case of business liability damage? Then take out a business liability insurance policy directly online! Do you still have questions or would you like to consult one of our insurance specialists before taking out the policy? They will be happy to help you! You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00 at 030 - 6883700. Of course you can also send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.
Calculate the premium for a Public Liability Insurance for Companies immediately!
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