Get a better grip on absenteeism with our absenteeism solutions
With our absence solution, we help you improve your grip on sick leave and reduce costs. This results in a reduction in absenteeism costsa lower premium and less administration.
Contact usLower absenteeism costs
Our absence specialists help with appropriate advice, personal guidance and active management on absence.
Lower premium
Specialist knowledge and broad experience across sectors and company sizes give us a uniquely strong procurement position.
Less administration
An experienced case manager takes care of obligations and contacts. Together with our online absence platform, this relieves the pressure.
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As an entrepreneur, you don't have to do it all yourself.
"In addition to unburdening the business owner, we can cut costs. This can be done by proper prevention for absenteeism and when it does occur, limiting the duration. Our cooperation with Alpina@Work plays an important role in this."

Edgar van Silfhout
Director of Alpina Business

Video podcast: absence management
To emphasize the importance of a good advice and absence policy, Alpina Business Director Edgar van Silfhout and Alpina@Work Director Judith Beugelsdijk recorded a special video podcast. Watch the video below.
Alpina's absenteeism approach
With our approach you demonstrably reduce sick leave and absenteeism costs, you get competitively priced insurance with excellent terms and conditions and you reduce the administrative burden thanks to our online absenteeism platform.
Verzuim insurance
With absence insurance you are insured for the costs when employees fall ill. You must continue to pay wages for up to 2 years and you will also face additional costs such as replacement staff, loss of production and reintegration. With absenteeism insurance you cover (part of) the cost of continued payment of wages during illness.
RI&E & Action Plan
A risk inventory and evaluation is a means of identifying work-related risks. A fixed part of the RI&E is a plan of action to reduce absenteeism, accidents and occupational diseases. In this way you can offer your employees a safe workplace and minimize your own business risks. You can draw up an RI&E yourself or have it done by Alpina@Work.
Absenteeism & Reintegration
Alpina@Work ensures that you comply with legal obligations and guides you in dealing with absenteeism. After all, absenteeism does not always mean that someone is sick. And being sick does not always mean that someone is unfit for work. So if your employee does not recover faster at home than at work, he can just come to work. Even if he can't do all his work.
Find out what we can do for you
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