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VVE Total building insurance package
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VVE Total Package Insurance

The VVE Total Insurance Package is specifically for Owners' Associations and offers a comprehensive range of insurance at very favorable terms.

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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura van Maarschalkerweerd - Expert insurance.

More than 10 years of insurance experience

Background expert photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd
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All about VVE Total package insurance

When you live in an apartment complex, there is an Owner's Association. An Owners' Association is the group of homeowners who live in this complex. Usually, insurance is purchased for the entire building, including all common areas, at one time.

The VVE Total Insurance Package is specifically for Owners' Associations and offers a comprehensive range of insurance at very favorable terms. This insurance is important to look after the interests of the homeowners in the apartment complex.

Insurance is an important part of shared interests.

VVE Total Package Insurance

There are several insurance policies for Owners' Associations (VVEs). Some of these are mandatory and others are optional. When taking out VVE Total Package insurance, you can choose from several insurances for your Owners' Association, namely:

Is VVE insurance mandatory?

A number of insurances are mandatory. Building insurance (collective building insurance) and VVE liability insurance are mandatory. The other insurances are optional.

What is not insured with VVE Total Package insurance?

No payment is made in the event of an earthquake, flood, wear and tear or construction defects. Damage caused by intentional and illegal activities is also not insured with VVE Total Package insurance. Damage caused by groundwater is not insured unless such water entered through drains and pipes and appliances connected to them.

Communicating changes is important

If you apply for insurance or have a claim, you must answer a number of questions. You must answer these questions honestly. In addition, you must do as much as you can to prevent and limit damage. Report damage as soon as possible! Furthermore, it is important to inform us if things change.

Most chosen VvE insurance policies.

Building insurance is collective building insurance. This is the only insurance required by law for an MoU. With this insurance you insure the apartment complex of the VvE in case of damage by fire, lightning, storm, snow pressure and water. If necessary, you will also be reimbursed for the costs of chopping and breaking in the event of water damage. The costs incurred by your VvE to prevent further damage are also co-insured.

Unions also often take out glass insurance. Our glass insurance not only insures the glass that belongs to the common areas. All glass belonging to the apartments is also included in the insurance as standard. Including insulating glass, plastic domes and skylights.

The Owners' Association is an independent legal entity and can therefore be held liable. Therefore, Liability Insurance for an Association of Owners is often seen as a necessity. With the Liability insurance you insure the liability risk of the association against the individual apartment residents (with the exception of damage to own real estate). But also of the members among themselves and of the members towards the association.

The insured amount per event is €1,250,000.

Simple calculation and conclusion

Through our website you can easily calculate premiums. After entering some data, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your input, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. Once you have found a suitable insurance, you can take out the policy immediately. Are you having problems or do you have any questions? Then please contact us. You can reach us by phone at 088 - 688 37 12. We will be happy to assist you.

How does Alpina work?

As an intermediary, we are not part of any insurance company. This means that we have no financial or production obligations to the companies we work with. When comparing insurance, we consider your personal situation and specific wishes regarding coverage. Alpina makes insurance clear and fast.

Not good, money back! (14 days)
Your insurance request will be quickly reviewed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can then immediately hit the road with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about your old insurance either. You can cancel it with us directly online.


Alpina complies with all legal requirements of the AFM. Thus, we have the necessary licenses and diplomas and we are affiliated with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid).

There are several insurances for Owners' Associations

Buildings Insurance

Building insurance is collective building insurance. This is the most important insurance. With this insurance you insure the apartment complex of the VvE in case of damage caused by fire, theft, precipitation, storm, hail damage, leakage, lightning, explosion and vandalism. The costs incurred by your VVE to prevent further damage are also co-insured. The board of the VVE is obliged to take out building insurance.

Glass Insurance

Many VVEs also choose to purchase glass insurance. Glass insurance not only insures the glass that belongs to the common areas. The glass belonging to the apartments is also included in the insurance as standard.

Liability Insurance

The second compulsory VVE insurance is liability insurance. This is because a VVE is an independent legal entity and can be held liable. With liability insurance you insure the liability of the members of your VVE for damage to property and/or damage to persons. Damage resulting from this (consequential damage) is also insured. The damage must have been caused as a result of an act or omission in the performance of activities on behalf of the VVE.

Directors' liability insurance

The directors of the VVE can be held personally liable for damages caused by their actions. There is a lot of money involved in VVEs so in the event of damages, the amounts can add up considerably. Therefore, it may be wise to take out director's liability insurance.

Legal expenses insurance

With VVE legal expenses insurance, your VVE will receive legal help for conflicts related to the activities of the VVE. The VVE must be insured when the conflict arises and must have an interest in the conflict. In monetary terms, this interest must be at least €450. This provision does not apply to recovery of damages incurred in traffic and criminal cases.

Accident Insurance

This insures the members, employees and/or volunteers of the VVE for permanent disability and death due to an accident. The insurance then pays a lump sum based on the insured amount. Building insurance (buildings insurance) and liability insurance are necessary. The VVE is obliged to take these out. For those insurances that are not mandatory, it is important for the VVE board to consider whether the premium to be paid outweighs the risk.

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