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Service fee health insurance

When you take out health insurance with Alpina Care, we receive a fee from the insurer for taking out and managing your health insurance. We call the compensation we receive a service fee. We use this service fee for the development and maintenance of our services, both by phone, online and in the office.

The amount of the service fee varies by insurer and depends on the type of policy and additional policies. On average, the fee for health insurance varies between €0.75 and €5 per month, depending on the packages and insurer chosen. The service fee we receive is depicted by us on the application confirmation.

Have any questions? Contact our healthcare experts at 088 12 10 251 or send an e-mail to zorg@alpina.nl.


We are transparent about our services and the compensation in return.

Understanding risk.

Knowing your own situation well provides insight and overview. Together we identify your risks and see how you can best deal with them.

Online and offline.

We are located in 27 towns as well as online. So there's always an Alpina office near you.

Our services

At Alpina Care, you have access to the most complete range of services in advice, maintenance and help with claims. We feel it is important to inform you well about this, so that you know what you can expect with us. At Alpina Zorg you can count on, among other things:

Quick answers to your questions from expert advisors

Do you need help or advice? Our healthcare experts are available for you from Monday to Friday from 08.30 -17.00 by calling 088 - 12 10 251.

Help with questions about claims, reimbursements and package choices

You can do so by phone at 088 - 12 10 251 and by e-mail zorg@alpina.nl. We will help you with questions about claims, such as how to submit a medical bill. We also give advice on which treatments are reimbursed and which health insurance best suits you.

Support for waiting list mediation and possible complaints, among other things

Our healthcare experts are happy to offer support via 088 - 12 10 251 and via zorg@alpina.nl Waiting list mediation means that we help you get faster access to the medical care you need by referring you to healthcare providers with shorter waiting times. As a result, you have to wait less time for treatments or consultations.

A handy comparison site that makes it easy to choose the best health insurance policy

Comparing and buying your health insurance is easy on our website

We also help employers and member associations with group health insurance plans

We also help employers and member associations with group health insurance and health initiatives for their employees or members.

Digital support through our website, chat (WhatsApp) and email

We can be reached in the way you choose. This can be through the website, our branches, Chat(whatsapp) or email.

Clear, transparent & honest advice for more than 110 years

With knowledge of every industry and a lot of know how, we provide clear, transparent & honest advice.
Based on 3699 reviews 93% recommend us.

Alpina: more than just health insurance

Alpina's services go beyond health insurance; you can also come to us for non-life insurance, mortgages, brokerage, banking and retirement solutions. We are also there for entrepreneurs with a similarly wide range of services. With us you will find everything under one roof. Please visit www.alpina.nl.

We pick out the fine print for you

"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura van Maarschalkerweerd - Expert insurance.

More than 10 years of insurance experience

Background expert photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd
Background image

We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email

Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here today until 6 p.m.

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