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Frequently asked questions home insurance

Home and building insurance: what's the difference?

Many people think that home insurance and building insurance are two different things. However, this is not so. Home insurance and building insurance are therefore THE SAME insurance policy. Insurers often use these terms interchangeably, which is why confusion sometimes arises. Home insurance (or building insurance) is insurance that covers all the real estate attached to your home. Immovable goods are things that are permanently united with the ground. Think for example of the ceilings, walls, pipes, the roof or a fitted kitchen. Home insurance ensures that if damage occurs to one of these items, the insurer will pay out the damage amount.

What if I have a thatched roof?

A thatched roof is beautiful, of course, but it is also more of a fire hazard than, say, a tile roof. This is why home insurance for a home with a thatched roof is very important. Imagine a fire occurs and a large part of your home goes up in flames. Without insurance, repairing or rebuilding your home will cost an awful lot of money. With home insurance, both your home and its contents are insured in case of damage caused by fire, for example. Good home insurance can save you skyrocketing costs.

What about solar panels?

If you have solar panels and they are nailed to the roof, you can insure them with buildings insurance. In some cases, solar panels are not nailed down, for example, if you have a flat roof. In that case, the solar panels are not part of your house and are therefore not covered by building insurance. You can also insure your solar panels with contents insurance. This is possible if the solar panels are not nailed to the roof. In this case different conditions apply, because the solar panels are outside your house. Always check the insurer's policy conditions. Do you live in a rented house? Then the solar panels are also covered by your home contents insurance.

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