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Report damage

Do you have damage to your car, home or something else? Here you'll find what to do, depending on the type of damage and insurance.

Car and moped

Damage, theft or breakdown? Follow the appropriate steps in the dropdown below to report your claim and get help.

Window damage

Do you have damage to your windows and are you WA Limited Casco or All-risk insured? Then you do not need to report damage. Make an appointment with a windshield repairer named on your green card. The glass repairer will usually settle the damage with your insurer.

Theft of your vehicle

Has your vehicle been stolen? Then report it to the police immediately using this link.


Vehicle cannot continue driving

  • After an accident, you will receive standard assistance from your insurer's emergency center. You will find the telephone number on your green card.
  • In case of a breakdown, you must have separate roadside assistance insurance. This is not standard and must be additionally insured. If you have such insurance, call the emergency center. For more info on emergency centers, look here.
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Home, contents & electronics

Do you have water damage or a break-in? Check the dropdown for the proper steps and report the situation to prevent further damage.

Water damage

Do you have water damage? Shut off the water line to prevent further damage and make emergency repairs quickly.



In the event of a burglary, re-lock the home and report it to the police immediately.

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Travel & cancellation

Travel problems? Call your insurer's emergency center. The number is on your policy. Check the dropdown for info.

Help during your trip

Have problems during your trip, such as hospitalization, stolen luggage, or a cancellation? Call your insurer's emergency center. The phone number is on your policy schedule.

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Have you caused damage to someone else? Report it immediately and your insurer will contact the party involved. Click below for details on how to do this.

Damage to others

Are you liable for damage to someone else? Then report this immediately. Your insurer will then contact the party involved.

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Recreation (caravan, camper, bicycle, boat)

Caravan, camper, bicycle or boat stolen? Report it to the police. Breakdown? Call the emergency center (number on your green card).

Theft of recreational vehicle

Has your caravan, camper, bicycle or boat been stolen? Report it to the police immediately using this link.

Breakdown assistance

Can't move your recreational vehicle forward? Call your insurer's emergency center. The number is on your green card. For more info on emergency centers, look here.

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Do you have a claim that does not fall into the other categories? Fill out our general claim form. Click below to view and complete the form.

General claim notification

Fill out our general claim form. You can find the form below.

General claim form

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