Financial advice through Interpretercontact Teletolk
For people who are hearing impaired, deaf or deaf-blind.
Start Interpreter Contact TeletolkSign language interpreter
Communicate with our staff via a sign language interpreter
Text interpreter
The interpreter writes what is said
Every business day
Interpreters are available between 08:00 and 18:00
Are you deaf or hard of hearing? Even then you want to be able to get financial advice yourself. That's why you can also reach our staff via Interpreter Contact Teletolk. You choose whether you want to call using gestures, text or speech.
How does it work?
You can choose to call through Tolkcontact Teletolk. You then have the choice of a phone call with an interpreter or a phone call with a text mediator. If you choose to call with an interpreter, you can gesticulate what you want to say. The registered interpreter of Dutch Sign Language tells this to the person you are calling with. When that person speaks back, the interpreter gestures this to Dutch Sign Language for you.
If you choose to call with a text mediator, you type what you want to say. The employee of Interpreter Contact Teletolk reads it to the person you are calling with. You can also speak yourself. The hearing person talks back and the interpreter converts the spoken words back into text for you.
Safe and reliable
All conversations through Tolkcontact Teletolk are confidential. The employees have a duty of silence and are not allowed to share anything about the conversations. Thus, your conversation is in trusted hands. The employee translates/interprets the conversation, but does not add anything to the content of the conversation. Some telephone conversations involve the exchange of personal and confidential information. With Tolkcontact Teletolk, you can request and give all the information that you would also exchange without the intervention of an interpreter.