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Home The Vereende

Taking out De Vereende insurance

De Vereende is the company that does want to insure special risks where regular companies drop out.

Online premium indication

Quick online premium indication

Always acceptance with The Vereende

You will always receive a proposal from The Vereende

Quick coverage possible

Quick coverage after payment via iDEAL

The unified assurances

Who is De Vereende?

De Vereende is the company that wants to insure special risks where regular companies drop out. This mainly concerns persons who can no longer obtain insurance with regular companies because they:

  • Have driven or caused many damages
  • Are in arrears with premium payments
  • have been criminally convicted
  • have had driving disqualifications
  • have committed fraud

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"Our aim is to put you with a regular insurance company. We also succeed in many cases. If it is not possible, we work with De Vereende."

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De Vereende Insurance

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Car Insurance

This car insurance will always be accepted, but the premium is higher than regular car insurance.

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Van insurance

Insurance for vans and gray license plate vehicles.

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Liability Insurance

With the liability insurance of De Vereende you are insured against damage that you accidentally cause to another person or to another person's belongings.

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Contents insurance

This insurance covers all movable items (things in the house that are movable) that belong to your private household.

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Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle insurance insures the risk that you cause damage to others with your motorcycle; you can also insure damage to your own motorcycle.

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MMBS insurance

Insurance for MMBS vehicles.

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Building insurance

With building insurance, you insure damage to your home and its immovable property (things in the house that cannot be moved, or earth and nail fixed).

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Scooter Insurance

With the scooter insurance of De Vereende you insure the risk that you cause damage to others with your scooter. You can also insure your own scooter against damage or theft, for example.

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Mobility scooter insurance

With De Vereende mobility scooter insurance you can always insure your mobility scooter for third-party liability. You can also insure damage to your own mobility scooter.

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Cab Insurance

Cab insurance offers coverage throughout the Netherlands, including major cities.

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Motorhome insurance

Insurance for your camper or motorhome.

Frequently asked questions about The Vereende

Taking out a Vereende insurance policy

Alpina is an intermediary of De Vereende. This means that you can purchase insurance from De Vereende with us.

Acceptance requirements at The Vereende

Before taking out insurance, De Vereende sets some conditions:

  • You pay the premium at least 3 months in advance, even with monthly payments.
  • Insurance does not commence until the first premium AND a signed application form are received.
  • In most cases, De Vereende additionally charges a deposit averaging €175.00. This must be paid in advance. When there has been no damage at the end of the insurance, you will be refunded this amount.

Persons on the 'blacklist'

When a person is on the 'blacklist', as it is popularly called, due to fraud, a claims history or a criminal record, De Vereende can be a solution. Incidentally, this 'blacklist' for insurance does not exist. However, you can be registered when you have filed a claim with your insurer. Also persons who have been expelled by the insurance company because they did not pay the premium on time can go to De Vereende.

Apply for De Vereende insurance online

It is possible to apply for insurance with De Vereende online. We advise you to use our comparison module where you see the results of the regular companies. Choose the company you like and complete the application by filling in all questions truthfully. Chances are that the company can still accept you at the regular rate, but should this not be the case, we will send you a proposal for De Vereende.

Please note that insurance with De Vereende can only take effect after you have paid the first premium AND after you have signed and returned the application form you received from us by e-mail. It may therefore take several days before you have coverage.

The name of the Vereende has changed a few times. In the early years, the name of De Vereende was "Terminus." Later this was changed to Rialto insurances before changing to De Vereende.

De Vereende car insurance

One of the most frequently taken out insurances with De Vereende is the car insurance. When you have a car in your name, a third-party insurance is obligatory. However, it is possible that for whatever reason you cannot take out car insurance with a regular company. In that case you can always take out a car insurance with De Vereende. How does this work?

  1. On our website you can calculate an indication of the premium
  2. Fill in your details to request a quote
  3. You will receive a proposal from De Vereende by e-mail from us
  4. Pay by iDEAL and you have instant coverage
  5. You will receive the policy by e-mail.

How does it work at De Vereende?

Do I need an application form with De Vereende insurance?

When you make a calculation for insurance with De Vereende through Alpina, you do not need an application form. With us you can request a quote online and by paying the 1st premium via iDEAL you have immediate coverage.

What is a deposit with De Vereende?

The Vereende has a so-called deposit on the car insurance. You pay this deposit at the start of the insurance. If you do not pay your premium on time, they use this deposit to settle the unpaid premium.

If you do always pay the premium on time, and you terminate your insurance with the Vereende, the deposit is returned to you. No interest is paid on the deposit.

Why do you have to pay the premium three months in advance with De Vereende?

The Vereende generally sends the invoice for existing insurance four to six weeks before the first of the month in which the insurance is renewed. It is therefore possible that at the start of the insurance the bills for the following month(s) have already been sent. To prevent you from being listed as uninsured because you haven't received these bills, they let you pay the first three months in advance. After that, the monthly premium due will be automatically debited from your account.

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Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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