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Home Info Alpina connected to Thuiswinkel quality mark

Alpina affiliated with home shopping label

Press Release: Alpina was recently certified by the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization. The Thuiswinkel Waarborg Certificate was created on January 1, 2009 and is the Dutch quality mark for companies that sell products and/or services via the Internet, mail and other distance selling channels.The Thuiswinkel Waarborg Certificate endorses that Alpina complies with the relevant Dutch laws and regulations and the rules of conduct of the Dutch Thuiswinkel Organization for financial service providers. Alpina exists 40 years this year. All this time, our aim has been to be a reliable service provider. A certification like this underlines that we have both our terms and conditions and our website in good order, said Marc Diks, director of marketing communications and online.

The Consumers' Association advises its members to make online purchases on websites with the Thuiswinkel Warranty. The Thuiswinkel Waarborg is valued with a 10 by the Consumers' Association.

Alpina mediates, exclusively through the Internet, in non-life insurance. The emphasis is on car, motorcycle, vintage car and moped insurance. In this Alpina insurance is very successful.

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