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Home Info Phone numbers insurers

Insurance telephone numbers

Premium payments do not go through Alpina, but you must pay directly to the insurer. The insurer is the collecting party. They can answer your questions regarding premium payments for you.

For questions regarding premium payments, you can therefore contact the relevant insurer directly.
Below you will find the telephone number for each insurer.

Third-party phone numbers company

Insurer Telephone number
ARAG 033-4342342
ASR 030-2758800
DAS 020-6517517
Dekra 072-5757811
Klaverblad 079-3204204
Nationale-Nederlanden 088-6630663
Nedasco 033-4670800
SAA 088-5514444
SRK 079-3448181
Turien 072-5181181
Unigarant 088-2993882
Guardian 088-0209100
Vereende 070-3408100
Guarantee Fund 070-3408200

We can be reached via chat, WhatsApp, phone or email

Questions? Contact us if you want to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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