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"Comparing disability insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your disability car insurance every year ."

photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura - Expert Insurance

Expert insurance for years

Background expert photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd
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All about disability car insurance

Anyone with a disabled vehicle in their name is required to also purchase disabled vehicle insurance. The cost of this insurance is not too high in most cases. You can choose between two forms of insurance, the coverage of which varies greatly.

Few insurers offer disability car insurance. To save you a long search, we have already figured out the best place to go and have ended up with the insurer Klaverblad. This insurer offers a competitive premium and is quick to issue insurance papers.

Which disability car insurance policy is best to choose?

You have a choice between two different coverages:

  • Civil Liability (WA). This provides coverage only for damage to others for which you are responsible. For example, when you hit a pedestrian.
  • WA + casco. In addition to civil liability coverage, benefits now follow in the event of damage to your disabled vehicle. If your vehicle is beyond repair, you will be paid the current market value.

When to choose WA disability car insurance?

This insurance is the most logical choice for a disabled vehicle of low value. The description "low value" is a relative term here. A disabled vehicle with a short remaining lifespan is no longer covered by third-party insurance. In that case the premium is too high compared to the value of the vehicle.

When to choose WA cash disability car insurance?

For example, WA cash disability car insurance pays out for theft, fire damage and in the event of an accident. This coverage is the most logical choice for a new disabled car. However, this insurance can still be the best choice for older disabled cars as well. When comparing insurance policies, you can actually always assume this coverage. If it turns out that the premium is too high compared to the daily value, you can still opt for the WA disability car insurance. Do realize that the coverage in this form of insurance is much more limited.

When am I insured?

Unlike most other insurance policies, you take out insurance until May 1 of each year. The insurance for your vehicle always runs from May 1 to May 1 the following year. If you do not take out insurance on May 1, the premium is calculated on a pro rata basis. That means this is a premium from the effective date of the insurance until May 1.

When you take out insurance online, you do not yet have immediate coverage. You are not yet allowed to drive the vehicle. After acceptance by the insurer you will receive the insurance sticker by mail. Once you have received it and stuck it on the vehicle, you can drive it on public roads.

Some factors that affect the amount of your premium

  • Form of coverage
  • Residence
  • Age
  • Claim-free years

Frequently asked questions about disability car insurance

What is a third-party liability (WA)?

This is the basic coverage and cheapest disability car insurance. It covers the damage you cause with your disabled vehicle to third parties, but not the damage to your own disabled vehicle.

You save money by opting for third-party coverage, but in the event of damage, this choice can backfire. The insurer will only pay for damage caused to others. Suppose you cause a collision with a car. The damage to your car amounts to €2,500. The damage to the other party is paid by your insurer. For the damage to your own vehicle, you do not receive payment. You have to pay for the €2,500 damage yourself. If the other party is liable for the damage, you can recover your damages from the other party.

What is full-casualty (all-risk)?

This is the most comprehensive disability car insurance coverage available. In addition to the third-party coverage, damage to your own disabled vehicle is now covered in cases of fire, theft, storm, collision and broken windows, among others.

How long is the term of disability car insurance?

Disabled vehicle insurance always runs until May 1 of the following year. Suppose you take out insurance on June 1, then the policy runs from June 1 to May 1 of the following year. After that, the company will extend the policy by one year each time.

Is there a deductible with disability car insurance?

Yes, there may be a deductible with disability car insurance. The deductible is a portion of the cost you must pay yourself if you make a claim. The deductible is usually a fixed amount that you have to pay yourself, regardless of the damage you have sustained, and applies to WA-Casco coverage. The deductible varies by insurer and it is important to read the terms and conditions of your insurance policy carefully before purchasing insurance.

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