Taking out legal expenses insurance still makes sense during a conflict?
Often people only think about taking out legal expenses insurance when it is necessary, for example when a conflict is already going on. Conflicts happen at the drop of a hat. Whether it is a forced dismissal, a quarrel with neighbours or a traffic conflict: legal aid comes in handy. But does it make sense to take out legal aid insurance during an ongoing conflict?
Unfortunately, legal assistance insurance does not cover ongoing or anticipated conflicts. This means that if you only take out legal assistance insurance when you already have a conflict, you will not receive legal assistance for it. The same goes for a conflict that you had seen coming, such as an announced reorganization. Still, even during a conflict it can be wise to take out legal expenses insurance.
Legal expenses insurance without waiting period: coverage during conflict?
These days there are legal expenses insurance policies without a waiting period. Can you use this during an ongoing conflict? No, unfortunately not. Legal expenses insurance without a waiting period has a number of conditions attached to it. One is that ongoing conflicts are excluded from coverage. So it still makes no sense to take out legal expenses insurance on the day you are fired.
Reasons to take out legal expenses insurance during an ongoing conflict
Most insurers have a waiting period with legal expenses insurance. This means that you do not have immediate coverage the moment you take out the insurance. Therefore, you have no coverage for ongoing conflicts. It varies per insurer how long the waiting period is. Most insurers apply a waiting period of 3 to 6 months.
Even if you do not receive legal aid for a current conflict, you can still take out legal expenses insurance. You then insure yourself for a conflict in the future. You have experienced yourself that a conflict can happen to anyone, at any time. By taking out insurance now, you are assured of good legal assistance later.
In addition, taking out legal expenses insurance has another good reason. After all, you can seek advice from lawyers. This is usually free of charge. Do you need further assistance in addition to advice? Then you often get a discount on the rates of lawyers affiliated with the legal expenses insurer. You can also ask for free legal advice at the Legal Help Desk.
Take out legal expenses insurance through Alpina
Taking out legal expenses insurance is very easy at Alpina.nl. With our handy online comparison tool you can calculate an indication of the monthly premium. Think carefully beforehand about the situations in which you want to be insured. Based on that, you can decide which modules to turn on. There are four different modules:
Then you can compose the insurance completely to your personal wishes. See here what the cost of legal expenses insurance is.
Do you still have a question? Then we will be happy to help you. Call us at phone number 088 - 6883700 or send us a message via email, WhatsApp or Messenger.
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