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What is the premium of a legal expenses insurance?

With a legal assistance insurance you are insured for legal help. When you compare legal expenses insurances, you will see that this insurance usually consists of different modules. Which modules you need depends on your personal situation. The premium of your legal expenses insurance depends on your personal situation, the insurer and the chosen coverage. Each insurer applies different conditions and reimbursements.

legal expenses insurance premium

Calculate legal expenses insurance premium

At alpina.nl you can easily calculate the premium for legal expenses insurance. After filling in some personal information, you can choose from a number of modules. Here you can indicate the modules that are important to you. You can choose from:

  • Traffic
  • Income
  • Tax and Equity

In addition, you can choose from a number of supplementary coverages. Such as mediation in the event of a divorce or additional cover if you wish to include your pleasure craft in your insurance. Then press the calculate button and a premium for your legal expenses insurance will follow. If you are happy with the premium, you can apply for the insurance directly.

Need legal expenses insurance? Calculate your premium!

Own risk

When you calculate a legal expenses insurance, you can indicate whether you want an own risk or not. Not all insurers use an excess.

In which instalments can I pay my premium?

The premium for a legal expenses insurance is usually paid monthly and by direct debit. With most insurers you can also indicate that you wish to pay the premium every quarter, six months or annually.

Compare legal expenses insurance

Do you want to take out legal expenses insurance? Then it is wise to orientate yourself well first. Find out for yourself what your needs are and in which situations you want to be insured. Then it may be worthwhile to compare different legal assistance insurances. Not only on price, but also on conditions. The differences between the various insurers can be substantial.

Calculate the premium of your legal expenses insurance directly!

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