Frequently asked questions about legal expenses insurance
Is all the product information on the website complete or are there small print?
On the various pages of our website, we try to explain our products as clearly as possible. We also explain the ifs and buts of the products as much as possible. We have also listed the frequently asked questions for each product. With this, we try to provide as much information as possible about the products we offer.
We work together with several insurers, each of which has its own conditions for the various products. There can be considerable differences between them. We would like to emphasise that you should always consult the policy, including any clauses and conditions. These are always leading.
Below are the most frequently asked questions about legal expenses insurance. Can't work it out? Please contact us via Chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.
Is it possible to put together a legal expenses insurance policy yourself?
Yes, this is certainly possible. The basic legal expenses insurance is expandable with different modules. So you can put together the legal assistance insurance according to your needs.
The additional coverages can be found here.
Is it possible to take out legal expenses insurance during an ongoing conflict?
This is possible in principle, but the ongoing conflict is excluded from coverage. Therefore, you are not insured if the conflict already arose before you took out your legal assistance insurance.
Is legal expenses insurance really necessary?
Legal expenses insurance may seem like a superfluous luxury, but in practice it is often very useful and perhaps even indispensable. With a legal assistance insurance you do not have to solve conflicts yourself, but you can report the dispute to your insurer. The insurer takes the matter off your hands and takes legal action if necessary.
Am I obliged to take out legal aid insurance?
No, in the Netherlands it is not required by law to take out legal assistance insurance, but it is advisable. When you need legal assistance, the costs can quickly mount up.
What does a franchise mean in legal expenses insurance?
Franchise is a threshold below which the insurer will not consider a claim. Insurers use this amount to avoid incurring high costs when dealing with a legal conflict about something of small value. If the damage suffered as a result of the conflict is above the threshold amount, you can make a claim under the legal expenses insurance.
What is meant by the coverage area of legal expenses insurance?
The coverage area is the area within which you can claim your legal assistance insurance. The coverage area can be the Netherlands, but also abroad, such as Europe or beyond (world).
Who is covered by the legal expenses insurance?
When you take out legal expenses insurance, you indicate the composition of your family. This way you ensure that your family is insured for legal assistance. Your children who live on their own for study purposes are also insured. In addition, family members such as parents (in law) who live with you and household help are also insured in most cases.
The persons covered by your legal assistance insurance may differ from one insurer to another. Check the policy conditions for this.
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