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Home Moped Insurance moped/scooter breakdown

How do I act if my moped or scooter is broken?

Broken moped or scooter? Also when your moped or scooter is broken, it has to be insured. The official termination of a moped insurance is therefore not possible at that moment. However, you do not want to pay a premium for a broken vehicle. What can you do then?

Moped insurance is mandatory

In the Netherlands, moped owners are obliged to take out moped insurance. After the registration number has been registered with the RDW, the moped must be insured at least for third-party liability. This covers you for damage you cause to others with your moped.

Discontinuation of moped insurance is not possible

You cannot terminate your moped insurance just like that if your moped is broken. Given the fact that the registration number of the moped is still registered in your name, you are obliged to have at least a third-party insurance for the moped. It is therefore possible that you are still paying premiums for a moped or scooter that you are not using at all anymore.

moped scooter broken

What is the solution?

If you are not going to use your moped for a certain period of time, consider suspending the registration number of your moped at the RDW. After this you can suspend the insurance and you will no longer pay any premium. In other words, the insurance of your moped will be paused by the insurer. Have you transferred too much premium to your moped insurer at the moment you have your moped insurance suspended? No worries. The insurer will settle this at a later stage if the insurance is reactivated or stopped.

Want moped insurance? Calculate your premium!

Moped to the scrapyard

Is your moped beyond repair? Then your moped can be taken to the scrapyard and you will receive a certificate of clearance. This certificate indicates that the registration number has been removed from your name. Now you can stop the moped insurance. Have you suspended the moped insurance with your moped insurer? Then you can send this certificate of exemption to show that the moped is no longer in your name and that the insurance can be stopped. If no new moped is purchased, any excess premium paid will be settled with you.

Calculate the premium of your moped insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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