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Can you buy that property you have your eye on?
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What is the maximum amount I can borrow?
Are you curious about what your maximum mortgage will be. Calculate it here.
What will be my monthly expenses?
Immediately have a good idea what your monthly expenses are going to be. Calculate it right away.
Can I buy this property?
Calculate here if your budget fits the house you have your eye on.
How much monthly repayment to be mortgage-free?
Want to start paying off your mortgage? Calculate how much you need to repay each month here.
How much can I borrow based on my rent costs?
Calculate the maximum mortgage you can get for your rental amount here.
How long do I repay if I put in a fixed amount each month?
Calculate here how quickly you will pay off your mortgage if you put in a fixed amount each month.
Current mortgage rates
Getting a mortgage calculated
We are happy to help you with a customized mortgage calculation. You indicate your requirements, then you will immediately receive a calculation of the best suited mortgage.
We pick out the fine print for you
"If you are considering moving to your first or other owner-occupied home, be well informed in advance about your options to avoid possible disappointments later. Often only the feasibility of the mortgage is considered but its affordability should be the main focus."

Erik Rebergen - Mortgages & Housing
Expert mortgages for 15 years