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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. For business use, you can enter the company's zip code here.
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Top 5 cheapest motorcycle insurance policies in 2025

If you are going to purchase motorcycle insurance you are probably looking for insurance that is as cheap as possible. Besides the fact that the motorcycle insurance should be cheap, it is also important that the insurance suits your needs. We therefore always advise you to use a comparison tool. That way you will find out which motorcycle insurance policy suits you best.

€ 0,-

€ 5,-

€ 10,-

€ 15,-

€ 20,-

*The premiums are based on a fictitious person riding a Yamaha MT-09. The driver is 41 years old with 8 claim-free years and third-party coverage. Second Avéro Achmea coverage concerns Avéro Achmea - Private Op Zeker. The calculation was made in July 2024 with the calculation tool of Alpina.nl

Your motorcycle insurance coverage

We look at your motorcycle, compare a wide range of motorcycle insurance policies and help you choose the appropriate coverage.

WA (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and Fire Damage
  • Damage to one's own motorcycle

WA Limited Casco

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and Fire Damage
  • Damage to one's own motorcycle

WA Full Casco (All-Risk)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and Fire Damage
  • Damage to one's own motorcycle

Additional coverages for greater security

In addition to choosing the right coverage for your motorcycle insurance, you can also compare and purchase various additional coverages.

Accidental occupant insurance
va. 2 ,24 p/month

Accidental occupant insurance pays a fixed amount in the event of a motorcycle accident to driver and/or passenger. Read more.

Passenger insurance
from 1 ,02 p/month

Passenger insurance compensates the damage suffered by the rider and pillion passenger after a motorcycle accident. This damage can include property damage (clothing, luggage, et cetera), loss of income, domestic help, transportation costs, medical costs, compensation and funeral costs. Read more.

Legal expenses insurance
v.a. 1 ,38 p/month

Legal expenses insurance provides legal advice and expert legal assistance in the event of damage to or with your motorcycle.

Which motorcycle insurance policy is right for you?

Taking out motorcycle insurance is mandatory. But you may also choose one of the two other forms, because it also includes coverage against third-party liability (WA). The third-party insurance never pays for damage to your motorcycle. The insurer only compensates damage caused to others. What you are legally liable for or what the driver of the motorcycle is legally liable for, the insurer pays out. In case of a motorcycle accident caused by you, your insurer will compensate the other party.

Opting for the more comprehensive WA limited casco

For a slightly higher premium you cann you also choose the more extensive WA limited casco. In addition to legal liability coverage, this insurance also provides coverage for one of the following causes of damage:

  • Window Break
  • Theft or attempted theft
  • Hail and storm damage
  • Fire and explosion
  • Collision with stray animals
  • Lightning damage

In case of a payout due to one of these causes, the claim does not affect the number of claim-free years. A caused accident will cost you 5 claim-free years, but for example theft will cost you no claim-free years.

Many claim-free years make the All Risk attractive

With claim-free years you a discount in motorcycle insurance. With several claim-free years, the most comprehensive insurance becomes cheaper. This makes it easier to choose the all risk instead of one of the more limited coverages. Even if your motorcycle has a comparatively low value, you mayl you still get the best possible coverage.

Motorcycle insurance for a vintage motorcycle

There is special vintage motorcycle insurance for a vintage motorcycle.

Is your motorcycle 20 years old or older? Does the motorcycle run no more than 7,500 kilometers annually? And do you have another motor vehicle for daily use? Then you qualify for oldtimer motorcycle insurance. The premium for such insurance is a lot lower. The cheapest oldtimer motorcycle insurance starts at 2 euros per month.

Frequently asked questions about motorcycle insurance

What does motorcycle insurance cost?

When you want to purchase insurance, a number of factors play a role in determining your motorcycle insurance costs. These include your chosen coverage, age, claim-free years and zip code. Also, if you purchase additional supplemental insurance policies, this will affect the amount of the insurance premium. To find out what a motorcycle insurance will cost you, we advise you to use the calculation tool.

What are the theft requirements for a motorcycle?

Theft requirements for motorcycle insurance vary by insurance company. You can find the requirements in the policy conditions that apply to your motorcycle insurance. Theft requirements only apply to WA limited hull and WA all-risk coverage.

ART category 4 approved lock

All insurance companies require at least an ART category 4 approved lock as a minimum requirement.

What is winter break coverage?

Some insurance companies allow you to save on motorcycle insurance premiums by opting for winter break coverage. In this, damage caused by riding the motorcycle is not covered during the winter. Usually this is from December 15 to March 1. Damage caused by fire or theft from the garage is then covered.

Does your motorcycle stay indoors all winter? Then you can choose motorcycle insurance with winter stop coverage. If you ride your motorcycle all year, winter stop coverage is not useful. You can indicate in the quote if you wish to use this. Read more about winter stop coverage here.

Is wearing motorcycle clothing mandatory?

There are a number of obligations for motorcycle insurance, but motorcycle clothing is not mandatory. Why would an obligation still not be so crazy?

A motorcycle slide can quickly cause serious injuries. Even at low speeds. With motorcycle clothing on, you are still likely to suffer injuries in the event of a major slip, but the consequences can be limited by proper clothing. Read more>>.

Other questions

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