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Home Motorcycle Insurance What does motorcycle insurance cost?

What does motorbike insurance cost?

Have you just got a new or second-hand motorbike? Then you are obliged to get a motorbike insurance. Because every situation is different, the cost of motorbike insurance can vary. Factors that determine the cost of a motorbike insurance are for example the coverage, your place of residence and the type of motorbike. In this article, you will learn more about the costs of motor bike insurance and what this means.

what does motorbike insurance cost

What is the approximate cost of motorbike insurance?

The cost of motorbike insurance depends on a number of factors. For example, the cover you choose determines the premium. The WA-coverage is mandatory. This means that you are insured in the event that you cause damage to another person with your motorbike. If you choose WA-restricted hull coverage, theft and fire damage are also insured. With WA+casco coverage (all-risk), you are also insured for damage to your own motorbike if you cause an accident. Other factors that determine the cost of a motorbike insurance are:

  • The number of claim-free years also determines the premium. The more claim-free years, the more discount you will receive.
  • Age of driver. Insurers consider young drivers to be a higher risk. Therefore, the cost of motor insurance for young people is often more expensive than for an older person.

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Third-party motor insurance; how much does it cost?

There is no simple answer to the question of what motorbike insurance costs. This is different for each person and situation. In order to give you an idea of the costs of a motorbike insurance, we have provided two examples of fictitious persons.

(*This is an indicative premium from July 2024. Premiums include insurance tax and a recurring service charge).
Example premiums WA coverage
Brand Harley Davidson Road King Yamaha MT-09
Use Private Private
Cover Third Party Cover Third Party Cover
Age of driver 30 41
Town/City IJsselstein De Bilt
Claim-free years 4 8
Own risk N/A N/A
Insurer Nationale Nederlanden Unigarant
Premium per month WA coverage €17,93 €5,60

Cost of all-risk motorbike insurance

Damage caused by your motorbike for which you are liable, the insurer pays. Damage caused by your own motorbike will also be covered by your insurer. The same applies to damage caused by theft, vandalism and storm, for example. It is the broadest form of insurance. To give you an idea of the costs of an All Risk motorbike insurance, we have provided two examples of fictitious persons.

(*This is an indicative premium from July 2024. Premiums include insurance tax and a recurring service charge).
Example premiums WA +Allrisk
Brand Harley Davidson Road King Yamaha MT-09
Use Private Private
Cover WA+ All-Risk WA+ All-Risk
Age of driver 30 41
Town/City IJsselstein De Bilt
Claim-free years 4 8
Own risk €300 €750
Insurer Avéro Achmea Allianz
Monthly premium WA+ All-Risk €124,34 €26,80

Cheapest motorcycle insurance policies 2025

If you are going to take out motorbike insurance, you are probably looking for insurance that is as cheap as possible. Besides that the insurance has to be cheap, it is also important that the insurance fits your needs. We therefore advise you to use a comparison tool. This way you will find out which motorbike insurance suits you best.

(*The premiums are based on a fictitious person riding a Yamaha MT-09. The person is a male, 41 years old, based in De Bilt with 8 claim-free years with third-party coverage. The calculation was made in July 2024 with the calculation tool of Alpina.nl)
Insurer Cover Monthly premium
Unigarant WA €5,60 Calculate premium
Nationale Nederlanden WA €8,14 Calculate premium
Avéro Achmea WA €8,21 Calculate premium
Avéro Achmea Particulier Op Zeker WA €8,21 Calculate premium
Allianz WA €15,35 Calculate premium

Calculate your motorbike insurance premium

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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