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What cover can I choose?

When purchasing motorcycle insurance, you have a choice of three different coverages: WA, WA + limited casco and All-risk. Which coverage you should choose depends, among other things, on the current value of your motorcycle. The current value is calculated on the basis of a number of factors, such as the catalog value, mileage and age of the car. In case of damage, you can fall back on your motorcycle insurance, but exactly what damage is compensated depends on the coverage you choose. At Alpina\.nl, we explain what the different forms of insurance entail.

Motorbike insurance? Calculate your premium!

motor insurance cover


WA coverage forms the basis of your motorbike insurance. In the Netherlands, it is compulsory for every motor vehicle to have at least a third-party insurance. With this, you are insured for damage that you cause to others with your vehicle. However, the insurer never pays out for damage to your own motorbike. The other party that you have caused damage to will be compensated by your insurer. Claiming damage on the insurance will cost you years of damage free. Because of this, the premium for the motorbike insurance might increase in the new insurance year.

Motorbike insurance? Calculate your premium!

WA + limited casco

You can also opt for WA + limited casco coverage. Besides liability damage, you are also insured for damage caused by, for example:

  • Fire
  • Explosion
  • Window breakage
  • Storm and hail damage
  • Lightning damage
  • Collision with stray animals
  • Theft

WA + limited hull cover is often chosen for somewhat older motorbikes that still have a high daily value, but for which all-risk cover is no longer applicable. Even motorbikes with a value of only a few thousand Euros can still be insured well with this cover. That is why this coverage is often chosen for a motorbike insurance.


Finally, there is the all-risk cover. This is the most extensive cover you can get with your motorbike insurance. With this cover you are insured for all previously mentioned causes of damage, but also for damage to your own motorbike after a collision. Even if the collision was your own fault. This coverage is mainly chosen for very new motorbikes with a high current value.

Winter break cover

Are you a real fair-weather rider? Then a winter stop coverage for your motorbike insurance might be interesting. This is not a main coverage, like WA, limited casco or allrisk, but an extra coverage. Winter stop coverage means that your motorbike is stored during the winter months, approximately from December 15 to March 1. You will then receive a 10% discount on the main cover throughout the year. Damage that occurs in the garage is still insured, for example if fire breaks out or your motorbike is stolen from the garage (provided you have limited hull or all-risk coverage).

Best cover depending on daily engine value

In finding the right coverage for your motorbike insurance, the new value and the current value of your motorbike are important. You do not have to look up the value yourself. On the basis of the registration number, it is automatically filled in.

For a somewhat older motorbike with a low current value, you do not need to take out the most extensive and most expensive cover. However, this does not mean that you should only take out third-party insurance if your motorbike is already a few years old. Motorbikes often have a high daily value, even when they are older. That is why it can still be worthwhile to take out more comprehensive insurance.

Calculate the premium of your motorbike insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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