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Does my motorbike insurance also cover me abroad?

Many a motorcyclist will agree that there is no feeling freer than driving a motorbike. How nice is it in that context to go on holiday carefree on a motorbike? Touring on your motorbike, you can really enjoy the surroundings. But how does it work when you suffer damage abroad? Are you insured for this? And what kind of motor insurance suits you best?

Motorbike insurance abroad

Why is motor insurance abroad important?

Naturally, you want to have damage to your motorbike repaired as soon as possible. Especially when you are abroad: you may have a planned route. In that case, delay is not good.

Often, repairs, hotel stays (due to the duration of the repair) and replacement transport are reimbursed as standard. Please note that this depends on your insurer and the policy conditions.

Motorbike insurance? Calculate your premium!

Different types of motorbike insurance for abroad

Most insurers will distinguish between three different types of insurance. The third-party liability insurance (WA), WA limited casco insurance and All-risk insurance.

Third-party insurance

With a third-party insurance, only the damage that you cause to another person is covered. Do you crash your motorbike into another person's car? Then the damage to this car is reimbursed. You have to pay for the damage to your own motorbike if you have third-party insurance.

WA limited hull insurance

A WA limited hull insurance covers both inflicted damage and damage to your motorbike. Your coverage does depend on the cause. You are only covered for a number of specific causes of damage. You will receive a payment for damage (among other things) caused by: explosion, storm damage, natural disasters, theft and collision with a stray animal.

Does the cause of the damage lie outside these cases? Then your damage will not be compensated. If you collide with another person, your damage will not be compensated with this type of insurance.

All-risk insurance

All-risk insurance is the most comprehensive insurance you can take out for your motorbike. This is the only insurance that also covers damage caused by yourself. When you hit someone else with your motorbike, your damage is also covered.

When choosing an all-risk insurance, it is important to make a good consideration. The premium is a lot higher. With new/expensive motorbikes, for example, it is nice to have this type of insurance.

Tips: difference between holidays and living abroad in motorbike insurance

Do you live in another EU country? Then you have to register your motorbike in the country concerned. When you have registered your motorbike, you have to show that your motorbike is also insured. This insurance has to be at least a third party insurance, because this is required by law within the EU. Always check whether your current insurance is valid in the country concerned, or whether you need to take out a new insurance policy.

Are you going on holiday alone? Then it is already known that you live in the Netherlands and that your motorbike is registered there. The only thing you have to do is to take out at least a third-party insurance.


Take out motorcycle insurance? Welcome at Alpina

Get your motorcycle insurance at Alpina now. At Alpina you always have the best possible coverage at the most competitive price. All you have to do: fill in your details through our website and we'll give you an instant premium quote.

Do you have questions about your motorbike insurance? Then please contact our customer service. We will gladly answer all your questions.

Calculate the premium of your motorbike insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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