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What is a good motorbike insurance?

To ride your motorcycle safely, you need a good motorcycle insurance policy. What is a good motorcycle insurance depends on several factors. At Alpina\.nl, you can easily compare different motorcycle insurance policies on price and content.

Motorbike insurance? Calculate your premium!

good motor insurance

Compare motorbike insurance

You can find a good motorbike insurance by comparing different providers. There are numerous providers of motorbike insurance on the market, all with their own premiums and conditions. Because of this, searching for a good motor insurance can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. By comparing, you will not only find the best, but also the cheapest motorbike insurance. Don't just look at the premium, but also at the coverage and policy conditions.

At Alpina.nl you can use our free comparison tool. This allows you to compare different motorcycle insurance policies. You first enter the registration number of your motorcycle. Based on this we can already find out some information about the motorcycle, such as the brand and type. So you don't have to enter all this yourself. Then you fill in some personal data, such as your zip code and age. Then you select the desired coverage and any additional coverage. Then you will get an overview of all providers that match your data. You can compare these to find a good motorcycle insurance.

Motorbike insurance? Calculate your premium!

Good or cheap motor insurance?

Good and cheap motorbike insurance are sometimes two different things. Of course, this does not mean that a good motorbike insurance is necessarily expensive. How expensive a motorbike insurance is, depends on several factors, such as the coverage you choose, your age, your place of residence and your accumulated years without claims. The more claim-free years you have built up, the more premium discount you get. In addition, younger drivers pay more for their motorbike insurance than older, more experienced drivers. This is because young drivers in general cause more damage. Therefore, the premium for a motorbike insurance for a young driver up to 24 years of age is much higher. By comparing well, you can find the best motorbike insurance for the lowest premium.

Get good motorcycle insurance through Alpina right away!

At Alpina\.nl, we have motorcycle insurance for every motorcycle. Have you found a good motorcycle insurance after comparing? Then you can purchase it directly online. If you have any questions, you can always contact our insurance specialists. You can reach us on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. by phone at 088 - 6883700. Sending a message is also possible. This can be done via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.

Also have a look at our frequently asked questions about motorbike insurance. Who knows, maybe your question is already there!

Calculate the premium of your motorbike insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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