Motorbike insurance: Is it better to opt for annual cover or winter cover?
There are motor insurance policies with a so-called winter stop, but is that wise? There are also costs involved. What is cheaper? And what should you pay attention to when you go on holiday with your motorbike?
Why keep your motorbike insured during the winter, if you are not going to ride it anyway? With this in mind, insurers have developed motorbike insurance policies with a built-in winter stop. During the winter months, you can suspend the registration number and the motor insurance temporarily offers no cover against liability damage. However, the savings on the premium are disappointing. And you pay costs to suspend the registration. You have motorbike insurances with a winter stop and insurances with a so-called summer time cover.
What does the winter break mean in motorbike insurance?
Motorcycling is mainly done in the months with good weather. A motorbike insurance with winter cover does not provide coverage in the period from December 1st to March 1st, for example. The period can differ per insurer. Remember to suspend the license plate at the National Office for Road Traffic, otherwise the obligation to insure remains. Even if you do not drive it. Risks such as theft of the motorbike and damage by fire do continue to exist. These coverages will continue if your motorbike is insured for more than just the third-party insurance.
What is the financial benefit?
Motorbike insurances that do not offer coverage in the winter can be divided into:
- Winter stop cover - e.g. engine not insured between 1 December and 1 March
- Summertime cover - Engine not insured from the last Sunday in October to the last Sunday in March
With the summer time cover, the motorbike is not used for a longer period of time compared to motorbike insurance with a winter stop. This will result in a lower premium.
The difference with annual cover can be in the tens of percent. Of course, the advantage differs per insurer. Keep in mind that suspending the car also involves costs. The costs are €24.
A major disadvantage of motor insurance with a winter stop is that you cannot use your motorbike during the winter period in case of an emergency. For example, your car has a breakdown, but you really have to go to an appointment. In practice, the premium advantage is small and the inconvenience large.
On holiday with the motorbike
The Dutch motorbike insurance also offers coverage abroad. As long as you stay within Europe, you are insured. Outside Europe in most countries. In case of an accident, you can also contact the insurer's emergency number abroad. In case of a breakdown on the road, the motorbike insurance will not help you. For this you can choose a travel insurance in which help with breakdowns abroad is insured. The coverage in your motorbike insurance also applies abroad. For insuring your luggage and health risks you can take out a travel insurance.
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