Can I suspend my motor insurance in the winter?
Many motorcyclists prefer not to ride during the winter. In winter, they have to contend with cold, slippery conditions, snow, rain and fog much more frequently, which increases the risk of accidents. What's more, motorcycling is more fun when the sun is shining. It is a waste of money to pay premiums for motorbike insurance all year round, when you are not riding it during the winter. For the fair-weather riders there is therefore the winter stop coverage. You do not have to suspend your motorbike during the winter, but you can choose for a winter stop coverage when you take out your motor insurance. With this cover you get a discount on the annual premium.
What does a winter break mean?
Motorbike insurance with winter stop means that your motorbike is stored and not used during the winter months. This period is usually from 15 December to 1 March, but sometimes also from 1 December to 1 March. This can differ per insurer. When you don't drive in the winter, it means you can't cause accidents. Therefore the risk for your insurer is lower. That means you get a discount on the premium. With winter stop coverage, you get a 10% discount on the main coverage throughout the year. Damage that occurs in the garage is simply insured, for example if fire breaks out or your motorbike is stolen from the garage (provided you have limited hull or all-risk cover).
You do not have to temporarily suspend your motorbike from the RDW during the winter break. Do you go on the public road and cause damage? Then you are not insured, also any damage you cause to others is not insured.
Winter break or annual cover?
Why keep your motorbike insured during the winter, if you are not going to ride it anyway? With this in mind, insurers have come up with a motorbike insurance with winter stop coverage. However, the seasons in the Netherlands change nowadays. Therefore, the winters are not as severe as they used to be. It can even be quite warm in December, which means it is still great weather to go out on the motorbike.
A winter stop cover also has disadvantages. If you do ride the motorbike during the winter break, you are not insured for damage or accidents. So you can't use the motorbike in case of an emergency. For example, if your car suddenly stops starting or you have an urgent appointment. You must weigh up for yourself whether the financial benefits outweigh the inconvenience of not being able to use the motorbike.
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