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Home Motor Insurance What does third-party motorcycle insurance cover?

What does third-party motorcycle insurance cover ?

Owning and driving a motor vehicle involves risks. To protect others from these dangers, insurance is required.

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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All about third-party motorcycle insurance

A motorcycle in your name is insured at least against third-party liability (WA). As owner you are obliged to do so. Even if you do not yet ride the motorcycle. Once the license plate is in your name, the third-party motorcycle insurance must also be arranged. What does third-party insurance include, and what does the premium depend on?

Owning and driving a motor vehicle involves risks. To protect others from these dangers, insurance is compulsory. When you hit a pedestrian, for example, the financial loss can be high. It's hard to imagine colliding with a pedestrian and incapacitating or killing him or her. You cannot insure the emotional suffering, but you can insure the financial suffering. And make no mistake about it! The damage can be considerable.

When does the third-party insurance pay out?

The third-party insurance never pays out for damage to your own motorbike. The other party to whom you have caused damage will be compensated by your insurer. This is also the case when someone else rides your motorbike. The other party can directly claim your insurer for the damage caused. The claim on the insurance company will cost you years of claim-free time. Because of this, the premium for the motorbike insurance might increase in the new insurance year.

What does third-party motor insurance cost?

The premium depends on many factors. The most important dependencies are:

  • What does the engine weigh? - A heavier engine causes greater damage on average.
  • How many kilometres do you drive a year? - Someone who drives 10,000 kilometres a year has a greater chance of damage than someone who drives only 2,000 kilometres a year.
  • What is your postcode? - In a busy city there is a greater chance of damage, so a higher premium applies.
  • How is the motorbike used? - With business use, for example for driving lessons, you have a greater chance of damage compared to motorbikes used for commuting.
  • Is the motorbike only used in summer? - Not riding during the winter months reduces the risk of an accident

Do you also want cover for your own motorbike in the event of a claim? Then choose one of the two more extensive forms of cover. The other two types of cover are:

Your motorcycle insurance coverage

We look at your motorcycle, compare a wide range of motorcycle insurance policies and help you choose the right coverage.

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own engine

WA Limited Casco

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own engine

WA Full Casco (All-Risk)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own engine

Calculate the premium of your motorbike insurance directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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